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Toddler Gifted

So my husband and I are both odd ducks. We knew there was a chance our child would have some of our gifts. When I was pregnant I turned off as much as I could to keep her safe. I am trying to be in complete denial about her being gifted. My childhood was scary for me. I slept with the lights on until I was 20. I dont want that for her. She just knows when she was napping at her Nana and Papa's house. During her nap thier dog died. She woke up crying and calling out for the dog. Nana told her the dog was ok but she just shook her head saying no no no. There was no way our daughter could have known that dog died. She was 1 1/2 yrs old then. Yesterday she handed me a roll of paper towels. I said, "Thank you baby but Mommy doesn't need them right now." I turned and spilled my coffee all over and she looked at me and said "Welcome" and turned and walked away. She is not even 2 yet. I could go on and on. I could really use some advice. Thanks.

Why not encourage her to enhance her talent, you can explain more to her as she gets older, I like she is a precog and if she is empathic help her so she doesn't feel overwhelmed, be there and help her with her talent.

That is the plan Seven. I am just scared I cant protect her.

You can introduce crystals let her pick her protection one and both you and her can enhance it. This is a great time for bonding with her talent, if she's this advanced she will need to know her gift is her secret for now that she has to protect it.

That is good advice. Thank you. I believe her energy has been attracting some attention. My main concern is being able to protect her and I want her not to be ashamed or confused. Thank you again for your advice.