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To all you LURKERS out there

Its about time you came in out of the cold and registered. This is a VERY user friendly board. Positive energy brought you to the spiritual well unfortunatly itcannot make you drink. That leap of faith is up to you. I promise a soft landing we are waiting to catch you. You know you are dying to know!

Peace to all of you

Ive just completed a journey for the last 9 hours gathering info for 2 people and I am beast may be a day or so before I get back BUT if you could see what I saw you would all line up and give me your last dollar for just a glimps. You do not realize what you are missing come in register not because we want to see haomany members we cAN GATHER WE want TO SEE HOW MANY OF YOU WE CAN HELP iM GUESSING ALL OF YOU AND IF THAT STATEMENT IS NOT TRUE i WILL DONATE 100 DOLLARS TO THE CHARITY OF CHOICE BY VOTE HERE. YEA FOR DEMOCRACY!!! WISH ALL OUR ELECTED LEADERS KNEW THE CONCEPT SEEMS THEY ALL FORGOT BUT POLITICS IS TABOO THEY ARE aLL CROOKS. tOO DRAINED TO CARE ABOUT SPELLING AND GRAMMAR. i AN OUT

Really shouldn't put things under an umbrella statement, of " all elected leaders are crooks" did you actually take a poll on that?
Is there facts? Or just your personal views?

was a joke, not a conversation starter, sorry I even mentioned politics.