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The Backdrop People: Extras in the Background

I've been doing a lot of spirit work lately, research and practicing techniques. I'll write more on that, I'm sure.

In my study I found some lectures and analysis about Dolores Cannon. As far as specifics, I'm not 100% on how much I ascribe truth to her interpretations, but there are a lot of general concepts she references that I've also found elsewhere or through my own writing and meditations.

One of the concepts I found the most bizarre, but interesting, was one Cannon called "the backdrop people."

It's very hard to wrap your head around or to explain, in general. Here is the link to a helpful analysis I found.

My interpretation is that some of us came to this planet from elsewhere with a purpose (to help, to learn, to teach, etc.). But there are people here who are part of the backdrop, part of the world we're interacting in. The bleak description given is that these beings have no higher selves, that they're here to live, work, and die, after which their energy is absorbed back into the universe and repurposed. As opposed to the higher beings, who go on to reincarnate and do other things. The backdrop people lack the same capabilities as the higher beings to evolve as they do. Cannon referenced one entity who claimed these beings were discovering the limited nature of their lives and were angry about it, wanting nothing more than to hurt one another and cause pain. They are unevolved. Some say they could evolve if they worked to. Others say they can't. There's a theory that once you become aware of what the backdrop people are you can tell them apart from the others (if you're one of the others, I think). Some believe you can and some believe you can't.

It took me a lot of watching and rewatching of different analyses and lectures regarding this topic to wrap my head around it, and then to figure out how it relates to what I've learned on my own spiritual journey. Here's my take on it so far (I'm still mulling over this topic, so my opinion is fluid).

There have been people in my life - are still people in my life - who seem to lack certain personality aspects, certain "tools" is what I call them. Things like empathy, passion, grief. They care a lot about physical things - property, organization, appearances. I tend to be drawn to these people and they to me. For a long time I thought I could help people like this, that I could somehow help them acquire the emotional depth they lacked. I'm a helper, a fixer, by nature. I recently underwent a major spiritual, mental, and psychic shift. I find I now get a clearer read on people earlier on. Things that used to take me months to learn I can now spot pretty quickly - red flags in people I need to avoid (lack of empathy, a need for constant validation, energy suckers, etc.). Perhaps these are the backdrop people to which Cannon refers?

What are your thoughts on backdrop people? Are there similar concepts you've heard of?

I disagree emphatically with your thesis of background people. True, some people are more evolved than others, but I refuse to believe some people are incapable of evolving. The human experience is all about living up to your potential. We are all- each one of us- called to love all of our neighbors, even the shallow materialists, those full of hate, and energy vampires. They are our brothers and sisters, just as those more evolved are. Now having said that, we don't have to take on their negative energy or try to be their friends. There is something to be said for boundaries. Yes, love the person who hates your guts, just wall off that toxic energy.

People are people. I refuse to believe there are two (or more) classes of people.

To try to "fix" others can suck a person down where if they remain in that toxic energy will begin to make the helper begin to experience helpfulness ......not everyone is suppose to do the enlightenment all at once .......each are individuals and will do things, embrace things when they are ready to. Many feel safe in their comfort zones and will make changes when they are ready .......a lot of energy vamps may or may not know they absorb energies from others best is to limit the time being spent in their company......if ppl are an empath then they can recognize negative or other energies and say this don't belong to me and then that person can choose to let that energy go.

Sanford_P wrote: ↑Tue Jun 02, 2020 8:36 pm
I disagree emphatically with your thesis of background people. True, some people are more evolved than others, but I refuse to believe some people are incapable of evolving. The human experience is all about living up to your potential. We are all- each one of us- called to love all of our neighbors, even the shallow materialists, those full of hate, and energy vampires. They are our brothers and sisters, just as those more evolved are. Now having said that, we don't have to take on their negative energy or try to be their friends. There is something to be said for boundaries. Yes, love the person who hates your guts, just wall off that toxic energy.

People are people. I refuse to believe there are two (or more) classes of people.

As I said, this concept is one I have a hard time with myself. I personally think it's a rather bleak interpretation and sort of an elitist view of things. "Oh, some people are special higher beings and some people are here to serve us and don't matter." That to me is a very harmful view of things. What I do believe is that some people lack some spiritual/emotional tools that others have, and only the individual can seek out and build those tools into themselves. If they have no desire to do that, I'm not able to "fix" that for them, if that makes sense.

Also known as "non player characters".

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