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🙁 I broke my laptop screen! Cant seem to ger in chat with my phone so wont be in for a while 😥 x

Hi Tab
oh no!. I think there is a way for some users to get into chat using mobile. I'm going to look tonight and ask them how again, specifically, so maybe we can try and help you get back in. Some said it works, but not on Iphone's. So hopefully you don't have an iphone?

I'll let you know


Hey Sam ❤ Well, I did try. I have a Samsung s6? Not sure how to get in. Would be amazing if you could ask though. Thank you. Hope you are well!

TabulaRasa_ wrote: ↑Sat Apr 29, 2017 2:03 am
Hey Sam ❤ Well, I did try. I have a Samsung s6? Not sure how to get in. Would be amazing if you could ask though. Thank you. Hope you are well!

Open your browser go to settings try to find (desktop mode, desktop view, computer mode...etc) anything similar and turn it on!
I have Windows Phone so idk exactly what you should do!
Have a good day

We have a long-time Chat Member, (Curious1), who comes in on their Smartphone.

The chat is flash based.

Any mobile browser needs to have a flash player built in to chat.

They used Photon browser.


I have also heard others say to download chrome in the app-store. So you have a few things to try. Good luck I hope you manage to find your way in, until you can replace your comp. Hugs