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Sun92's Bio

Hi I am Sun92. I'm a simple person without lot of desires and spend lot of my times to help helpless people and animals. I am a vedic astrologer and a psychic medium. I started my paranormal journey in 2010 and became a volunteer and vegetarian. My ambition is spread love and kindness to make this world better place.
"Each and every day of your life take the time to perform an act of kindness by doing so you can make a difference"

Thank you! <3

Welcome to the ABT family Sun πŸ˜€


Thank you so much Mongki πŸ™‚

Hi Sun,
I was directed to your page from chat for astrological reading. i would love to get an astrological reading from you. πŸ™‚

My DOB: November 15th, 1993
Time: Evening 7:48 PM
Location: Chennai, India

Thank you πŸ™‚

Your Birth chart (dead link)

Reading about your life.
You are a creative, lovely, artistic girl. You tend to make relationships with others easily. You have lot of enemies and you had to face financial problems and health problems in some stages in your life. You have a psychic medium ability and you know about that and you believe about it a lot. A reading for today (2019-06-05) You are with lot of pressure on your head today. You may have health problems like headaches and it may not be just a simple headache sometimes, that can be a big health problem so, be careful about that. You faced a lot of problems and unfortunate things, in the last 5 and half years. Still you facing to that obstacles somewhat. Please meet me in chat for getting a live reading.

Good Luck!

hi im new on the forum really but my name is lashay bday is 12 26 89 and im talking to a guy name alvin his bday is 8 20 86 i need some enlightenment if im making the right choice with him i love him alot he on the other hand he has a hard to showing his emotions he also has a drinking habit but i do know he cares for me im so confused and he also has family and friends who are very toxic he says he is going to do better and change for me do you see this happening what exactly do you see is going to happen with us am i wasting my time please help and thanks

He is a sensitive sad type(Shy)lover but not a cheater. You are a sensitive happy type(Not Shy)lover. Enlightenment that I can give you is this "People can change their lives if they understand themselves before trying to understand others" You have to understand yourself and change your life style somewhat, then both of you can live happily together. Good Luck!!!

Thanks again Sun you did a wonderful job. You are truly gifted. I feel like i have some new information and i'm better equipped to move forward in my life.

Thank you so much JustSumGuy πŸ™‚ Wish you all the best and good luck!!!

thanks so much sun you are right but since he does not tell me how he feels can you break it down in words how alvin feels about me so i dont have to worry about his ex gf because she was kind of a problem even tho he told me he was not messing with her and never cheated on me ever i have some trust issues i need to work on

I think, He loves you but he has some fear deep in his heart to love anyone, it is the problem that you feel. I think loving kindness meditation will heal him, So try loving kindness meditation both of you, then this problem will solve. Good Luck!!!

(Some people think meditation just making our mind, No it's much more than that. Loving kindness meditation will clear our aura, I believe our aura effects to others mind. Sometimes we can see unexplainable things like telepathy, so effects of meditations are similar like that)

Loving Kindness Meditation - viewtopic.php?f=39&t=16197

Dear Sun92,

I posted this on a new thread in the forum, and hope it is not unwelcome if I also post it here:

"I am looking to connect with a loved one who has passed, named Chris. I still love him dearly and believe he has contacted me on a psychic level, but I am looking for some type of external confirmation, so that I can know for sure he is still here with me, and that my experiences have been real. Some bit of communication or sign that could not possibly come from my imagination or wishful thinking. I don't mean to doubt, but grief can get in the way sometimes.

So, in a way, I come here looking for hope... answers... reassurance... but most specifically, confirmation.

Anyone who could possibly connect with Chris on the other side and relay that message or sign from him which would give me that external confirmation is very welcome to reply here. I would be so grateful for that bit of help, thank you. If you receive something but are unsure of it, please just post it anyways - I will thoughtfully consider whatever comes through. It may help more than you know. Thank you again in advance."

Sorry RCD I need more information about Chris, Then I can try to connect him if he can connect my mind. I need his birthday and a photo of him.

Hi sun92. I recently lost my job, things are not great on my side. Can I please get a general reading from you? My bday is feb 26 1993. Thank you in advance.

Sure, can you please send me your birth time and birth place. (If you do not like to share it on public please send me via Private messages) πŸ™‚

Hi Sun92. Hope all is well. Was wondering if you are open to providing a reading. My dob is Aug. 5th 77. Unfortunately I don't know the time I was born, I just know it was the afternoon.

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