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Strange dreams

I have a LOT of these. But heres one I had a dream that it was very cold in the world, and people were dissappearing from it. When I woke up, it was really cold outside. If you look at posters of missing children in walmart...they are all white with black hair. I'm like that. after that, I saw strange cars following me, and was seperated from my parents for a while. It was kind of strange.

I feel like there was a lot of darkness in your dream. I feel like there are two meanings to what you saw. First of all, I feel the dream is about you feeling lost and confused about something in your life, and your surroundings. I get that you are feeling vulnerable and expose to something within your situation. You're feeling out of focus with something that you're currently dealing with. The coldness has something to do with strange energy around you. For example, people not being around for you. Giving you the cold shoulder. Cold is associated loneliness.

Secondly, I feel like the dream is showing you a reflection of the world around you. For instance, People not being focus on the reality around us, feeling disconnected from the world, feeling apathy with others, and being bombarded with chaos and confusion

That's my interpretation. On occasion, I have dark dreams but maybe its a good idea to be reminded to protect your energy within your dreams before resting.

I'm sure others can give you their insight