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Sticky situation

Can you tell me about my love life? Like my boyfriend is with another girl but says she’s just just helping him financially and when he gets done with that he will cut ties with her and it can be just me and him. But we don’t talk like we used to, and we are a long distance relationship. He calls late at night or early mornings, I feel as if there’s more to the story. He claims he loves me and me only and is just keeping her around cause she’s giving him money. I’m stuck on what to do cause I’m in love with him. The female as well knows about me and continues to pursue him so I’m wondering if he tells her stuff about me to seem like we aren’t together. Thanks for your time.

I don't need the cards for this situation. It's over. He's just stringing you along now.

Your boyfriend is not coming back, and if he does, it won't last. I have seen this story too many times. It's time to move on.

I second that but besides that I have a question: Even if he would tell the truth would you really want a guy who played a woman just for money?
Who tells you that you are also not more to him than the benefits he gets from you?

I mean, I am not always a good person and therefore don't play the morale apostle but a guy who does this to a woman is so low class that he couldn't have my respect, let alone my love.

I feel that this man has been with her secretly behind your back for a very long time to, he pretty much messes with other women as well, it's time to move on, find someone who will cherish you for who you are.