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Saying hi

I just found this place by accident, or maybe not. I just lost 2 family members in the same week, their passing was in no way connected. Because of that I've been struggling with a lot of things spiritually. I was surfing the internet n stumbled upon this site, normally I don't feel like registering to a site like this I just look around n go. But the more I looked around the more I felt a need to register for some reason. Also I usually have a difficult time with introduction threads, not knowing how to introduce myself. This intro was different but as I started it just wrote itself. I guess this is why I'm here.

I am glad you found us.. Welcome. I am sorry to hear of your loss. its hard to keep faith when those we love are taken from us. So much out there we don't understand. You introduced yourself just fine 🙂 We have a lot of members that frequent the chat rooms more than the forums. Maybe you would like to pop in and say hi there too. they are a lovely bunch of people.
I hope you find your answers here.

Welcome to ABT Forums! Have a good time and enjoy your stay.

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