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Reading Please

Reading Please, about relationship and any thing else as well. Thanks

I pick up 2 scenes, not sure which one is correct but I'll mention them. The 1st thing Im picking up generally is a truck, I see you scratching your nose and it looks like you're talking to someone outside of a fitness place (maybe its the picture?) you seem to want to give something to someone in exchange but it appears to not be going well as they aren't or not wanting to accept what you're trying to offer or give them.

I feel you're looking to move or leave, perhaps you're looking to travel or change locations. It feels like you may want to travel and get away from things, I get a feeling of going west like some place sandy or sunny, makes me feel like Im in nevada or some desert like place.I also get a sense of a general military type energy and Im not sure if you've fished before that pops in too. I see an image of money in hand, again it seems like you're trying to pay someone but they don't want to take it. Im brought back to the image of being in a vehicle with sunglasses on, so I think there is an importance around travel or heading some place warm.

I get a sense of an event upcoming you may want to keep ane ye out for. I see a place with a camper, I get a sense of either grilling or visiting someone before travel(if you are planning on doing that). This feels like an old friend, it makes me feel like Im in the middle of the woods for some reason with this. I also randomly got a D name, maybe dave. I keep getting a feeling of visiting someone 'one last time' so this seems kind of strange to me but I thought I'd mention it in case it makes some sense. I hope you're not one to feel depressed because the imagery seems to indicate things that one might do, I didn't pick it up just a general puzzle piece put together from some of the imagery so if that doesn't make sense thats fine.

Focusing on relationships I see a young girl (maybe you have a daughter?), I see a disconnect between an lady who I see related to this. It seems like you may be heading your own way in this respect but I feel you have lots of love for those in your family( think this refers to children if you have them ). I feel like you could have been forced to do something 'forced my hand' is kind of what I hear in relation to all this. I also hear a name like 'katie' K name, something similar to 'pick up my katie' not sure what that means but thought I'd mention anything that comes in. There also comes up a feeling related to business, something about either paying an old employer or... picking up your things and traveling maybe for a business opportunity. Overall I get a sense that you have a lot to offer someone in a relationship, it seems like you have been wronged in the past and are looking to a new future or new life and I hope this picks up for you.

I hope some of this made sense, if not maybe keep it in your mind in case it comes about later. Bless.

Any one else ?

Hi, ok here it goes....
Trust your gut .... you already know the truth ... theres a reason you feel the way you do...
we cant control the behaviour of others no matter how hard we try ... my advice is to step back and give the relationship some space... i feel there is dishonesty .... re evaluate how this relationship is making you feel .... you should both be happy more times than not .... there's a reason you feel the way you do ... we cant rely on others for our happiness or to fulfill a void inside .... we all want someone to love and care about us ..but the most gentle love we will ever have lives inside the marrow of our own bones .... you have to truly love yourself
I feel you are feeling down/ depressed and searching for something ... things will get better.... were given these lessons to make us stronger ... so we can ;earn and level up

I feel there is some distance from your parents .... some sort of disagreement .... dont doubt they love you.... because they do

I feel that your a pretty social guy and feel you feel your friendships are lacking depth .... theyre more buddys to have a good time with and you are searchng for a deeper connection ....
this connection your searching for... you need to find that within yourself .... you need to be a true friend to yourself if that makes sense....
be true to yourself and be kind to yourself

work wise... i see you working some sort of trade job maybe carpentry or construction

I feel you may be thinking there is nothing to offer you where you currently live and are thinking of picking up and leaving ... my advice before taking off is to maybe take a vacation by yourself and re evaluate ... get some clarity.... and a shift in your awareness by spending time in nature

I pulled a card for you and while shuffling the ' Truth 'card jumped out .its telling you that thru evaluation of the past , along with the lessons learned or ones you still need to understand ...must be a top priority in your life right now. thru this... it will enable you to forgive , accept and heal so you can move forward in a balanced spiritual mindset. it tells you that a significant change must be made in a certain area of your life ... dont make fast decisions... take your time really think it thru ... whatever you do now will have far reaching consequences .... more than youll ever know

i really hope this helps
peace and blessings to you

intuitiveT wrote: ↑Wed May 22, 2019 2:51 am

Hi, thanks for trying but nothing really matches.

HI again
although it may not be what you want to hear .... sit with it for a bit ....

intuitiveT wrote: ↑Wed May 22, 2019 10:41 am
HI again
although it may not be what you want to hear .... sit with it for a bit ....

Again nothing matches not even close.
I do appreciate the effort and time, it would be one thing if any thing was matching.
Like example if you say color of something I have and one I dont even have what your saying or even color if it even if it was an item close to what you would say but then still not even that color.
If that doest make any sense, say if you say I have a shirt on in x color and I dont even own a shirt that color or say dont even own a shirt.
Cant say it might not be something I want to hear, given nothing matches that does not work.

Any one else ?

You don't like something about life yet you live with it like a man. You're done fighting it so you left the fight behind and chose to smile.

That's all I see. A man who needs something to fight for. And not just anything either. I leave that to you.

You will switch between good and evil. You will not know how to choose. But people will guide you. You may have lost your will but you have not lost the people around you. You won't like evil, but you won't fall into the flaws of good people either.

If you are looking for love, you will find that it may be looking for you as well. However, like everybody else you have to experiment.

You seek guidance and I feel this, you want a better life but afraid you won't find love, I do feel somewhat of a mean streak with you like you don't care what some think is what I get, your personality is strong, but don't let it be your weakness, if you want good in your life your going to have to start doing more good in your life and to others, I could be wrong but it is what I feel upon you, you take to much for granted and you let it take you down a path of being upset and mad at others, but you can change this, I feel you mainly want love but it is hard for you to love maybe because of a past? Hmm not to sure, but you will have to let go of a past if that is what you hold on to, forgive and forget even if it is hard, and learn to love yourself and more of others as well and you will find happiniess but not till then.