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Psychic Artwork - watercolour psint

Not sure if this is Thevright forum but I have recently been guided to start drawing and painting ( I used to detest it as I thought I had nexus talent).

I am really Enjoying learning I have a creative side to me however I seem drawn to wanting to learn to paint psychic art or energy I c.

Is there any good sites that have easy to use instructions on this process ???

Cheers XX

Just take the medium and instrument you wish to draw with, trust your intuition and ask spirit to guide your pen onto the paper. Its down to you whether you wish to go into meditation with this but trust the creative process and let your gift flow. Like with all gifts, it is a work in progress, and needs to be nurtured along with time and practice, working in accordance with both yourself and the being you are working with.

Thanks Loriella I have no art skills what so ever but feel the desire to paint . 🥰

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