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Hey everybody!

I am physically handicapped. Transgender {FTM} and asexual. And have had a fascination with history from an early age. When I was in fifth grade I figured out that I was gifted and began practicing spiritual communication. Back then I would describe those that I communicated with as "invisible playmates" and at that point they were mainly female...

I'm actually floating this because of something else that is kind of unique...or maybe not. Specifically this:

I am extremely fascinated by criminal profiling {part of that has to do with the fact that I am a crime survivor, but there might be other things}. But outside of that I have a somewhat strong aversion to psychology and counseling. It is actually bad enough that {for the most part} I feel very uncomfortable in a counselor's office...even when I happen to actually like the counselor themselves. Something that actually came up for me when I was going through the first part of gender transition...

Another thing that has come up on the other side of this fence {and please excuse me on this part of the topic} is an uneasy feeling around people with certain psychiatric conditions. I have a friend with D.I.D. But I am very uncomfortable around people with schizophrenia and eating disorders. And to a lesser extent I am uncomfortable with people with bipolar disorder {although I have a couple friends who have it}...

I'm not sure where this comes from. Because it doesn't come from anything concrete. If anyone has insight then I would love to find out what's going on!

Get back to me,

Is it uncomfortable or the fear of becoming something you fear in those people? like for example are you afraid of being unable to help? Reason I ask this is that you say you have an aversion to psychiatry and counselling. I myself have schizotypal disorder and am surrounded by a family that has depression, bipolar and schizophrenia, its hard to be able to cope with them however I help to the best I can because nobody should suffer in silence, if this make sense.

Also congratulations in your transitioning, I have many trans friends that waited until later in life to be who they are today, wonderful strong individuals that even though life throws things at them they smile.

Me? well i am a gay non-binary individual 🙂

I hope this has given you some light, take care Dylan.

Hey RavensFox!

I'm a spiritual communicator. I don't know whether or not this would make sense...

The only thing that I can pin down with this {as possibly odd as this may sound} is that I'm uncomfortable around counselors because of those abilities. Think about it. I can't tell someone in that profession that I'm clairvoyant or a spiritualist exactly. I don't want to be stigmatized because of the gift that I have...

The truth is that I really don't know why other than that. Thanks for the insight so far!

Get back to me on this,

That will make total sense, I have only ever had 1 psychiatrist agree that I was clairvoyant once before, there is a stigma around them that says our beliefs are non-conventional they would rather say your crazy because they cannot understand it. however take everything with a pinch of salt its the best advice I could give.

my favourite quote of all time "take everything people say with a pinch of salt, then blow pepper in their eyes" lol

quotes by myself, you learn life lessons on your journey 😀

This is an interesting conversation. I also feel uncomfortable with counselors and other pcycology people. I have a bias based on experience with several people who have psycology degrees and have never worked in the field and on PHD Psycologist who was the craziest person I ever met. I grew up with depressed, angry adults and that has nothing to do with how I feel about counseling, except that several of those adults were in counseling quite a bit and it never seemed to help. I know the jokes about psycology not being a real science but I believe it is true. They are wanna be scientists and even the research has not changed much in decades (they really do still shock people to get data for their dissertations). As far as I can tell, cognitive therapy is the only real therapy that works long term. Drugs don't, and talking to a counselor or psychiratrist for years only helps keep them employed. If they could help it would not require years or medication.