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Presence of "some one" in my house


I am Sudheer, was regular in ABT before, some are familair with me. 🙂

Been some time, I feel presence of some one at home, when I go for sleep  felt as if some one sat on bed or jumped on bed. This happened multiple times.  Initialy I assumed was one of my cat (I have two cats) , when I checked no one there, Felt as if some light weight/small spirit , may be animal or kid.

I dont feel any negetivity, presense is positive, gives feeling of companionship.

I am not affraid, feel ok, just need advice if it is possible to know about / identify the spirit ?

[Edited 16 Aug 2023]

Today eveing at when I returned home from shopping, there was this fruity fragrance it was like mixed fruit juice fragrance, it lasted for around 5 mins then faded way.

Thank You
