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Please help

hello, friends

in case you would like to freely read and get feedback, feel free to comment
if you don't want any further information don't read on 🙂


I will be honest, I'm pretty much at the end of my powers. personally I don't feel like these is just depression - it's tied to how my life is panning out. I feel very lonely and nothing is working out. Trust me when I say I gave things time and made healthy decisions or so I believed. It's like everything has turned for the worse - is there interference? Something is telling me I was really supposed to be somewhere else in life right now. I feel like I postponed something I was supposed to have but now seems elusive.
Apologies for sounding so self-pitying but right now I believe I have run into a dead end. Even if life goes on, I'm tired of being in constant pain and alone.
Thought that I made good steps in self-love and drawing lines and boundaries, but for some reason it's like I just can't find someone to be with either. (It's not my main focuse but I'm I just don't get to experience a loving relationship ever).
Any insights? Interferences or good things I can look out for?
It's like I'm looking for a reason to give things a chance but I think a part in me is breaking away which shouldn't.
Sorry for the confusion - not really able to talk about this to anybody

picked an entirely unedited photo - let me know if it works for you

will gladly give feedback to any reading

hugs doe, I felt drawn to respond to your request today. I know its a picture read request, but I am also using it to link to your energy as well as the tarot. Hope that's ok. :o) I use tarot of dreams by Ciro Manchetti. So I hope that this gives you more encouragement and hope to continue journeying. PS - I also hope it resonates, If I could also request feedback I would appreciate it either here or on my bio thread. Thanks!

Card One - The Question / Present Situation And Reason for Asking

Around the general situation where this feeling has arisen - in the past and present you have felt very despondent and disconnected from your path, but tuning in with this spread There is a beautiful hue of golden light surrounding this situation bringing in with it the much needed boost of healing to encourage you to move forward, your first card though outlines the crux of the matter for feeling dispassion within yourself- is the wheel - the wheel of fortune is spinning around on its axis and it is changing in your favor- it is gradually spinning though time, but changes are being made to assure you feel the full benefits from it, you are questioning a lot lately and are wondering if you have taken a wrong turn in direction e.g. you felt drawn to be somewhere else in life but are hesitant as to whether or not change is needed in your life, the loneliness that you have been feeling feels like its from a past life overlapping into your present but it definitely can be shifted. At times you feel the urge to cry too because nothing feels like its happening the way you want it to, but tears are healing too, let them go and release, because this feeling of sadness will indeed pass soon in the next couple of weeks up to 3 months and subside into peacefulness, this is in connection with your heart centre point of self, and it feels like its opening so as its opening more healing for you is being completed as you want to find yourself again but are not sure exactly where to look. But deep down inside you know whom to ask and that’s your higher self, because your higher self holds the answer that you seek the knowledge from within.

Card 2, 3,4,5, 6 show the nature of yourself and how you relate to the situation.

IV Cups - This card has shown you as thinking or over thinking things through to the point of no return it is showing you as standing on the edge of a new beginning and crossroads but doubting in yourself as to whether this new chapter is truly for you. You will be pleased to hear that it IS truly for you, there is a lot of orange surrounding your energy too which shows that you have been working with your inner self and setting up lessons to learn of learning how to love yourself in a positive way, but determination and motivation is definitely key to getting to where you want to be. You are being asked to spend more time out in Nature as you are a more nature-based person and benefit a lot from down to earth natural energy that will help replenish your energy in more ways than one.

Card 3 - Page of Coins - This card represents the masculine side of yourself, bringing with it the sense that balancing activities around you is very much key to taking action in your life. Through this card there is the sense of a younger you looking for answers to take with you on your journey in the beginning stages of your youth, when you first started on your path, also getting in the sense of a yellowy energy around you in your aura which shows that yes there is confusion on where you are headed and it may feel like you are in a tunnel with regards to love and learning how to accept yourself for who you are truly are, there is a conflict also around you but feel as though its an internal struggle of a battle of emotions, like a myriad of different emotions that you are feeling and its all being kept within, bottled, you are being asked to write and express these emotions via writing or via art so as to let them out and by doing that, you will soon start to feel tons lighter in yourself and in your situation or path.

Card 4 and Card 5- Empress & VIII Swords - Empress is a motherly figure and a nurturer, a carer of the feminine energy and side of yourself, but the VIII of swords shows also in this part of yourself you are worrying and over-doubting the present. This side of you also shows that you are very empathetic too and have been picking up other people’s moods as well from other places, mostly the lower moods which tend to attract alike, but you are also learning how to deal and manage with those moods on your own development and learning, too, but the messages here is to hang in there and be patient because change is coming in fast movement pace with decisions that you make in the present!

Card 6 - Queen of Swords - This brings in a quiet vibration too that shows that the road ahead is clearing so you should be able to see where you are going in future once you have chosen your path forward. Also see the colour blue neon which shows that you are searching for your own voice and are learning how to let it be heard as you have suppressed it in the past as well but notably are working with yourself to allow self-expression and for it to be heard. The queen card also brings in a wealth of knowledge and truth to suggest that you are looking for your own truth too and true self sense of worth, that you are being asked to cut the emotional ties to the sadness and to lift your vibration further too via visualization/meditation.

Card 7 - what is causing conflict - Ace of Wands - I do firmly feel a new chapter / new beginning is in the cards for you but you have yet to look past what you have been feeling to find it, its like the feeling that the wood is too far for the sake of the trees- that you aren’t seeing clearly ahead yet but it is coming so just hang in there and be patient, as there are many things you are questioning or analyzing but which haven’t come into fruition yet because the negative mindset has come into the forefront of the thought(s) so try to clear your thoughts, shift your perspective and think positively as that will help to materialize and manifest positive energies and higher energies back into your life!

Card 8-9- Perspective & How You Will Deal with it - III Swords & II Cups

It shows you as feeling very protective of yourself but the blue behind you is calming so the way how you are feeling right now - lost and discouraged - is being calmed and soothing energy that’s healing are moving in to calm you and surround you in love so you can move forward beyond the thinking of critical mindset and take gentler steps to enveloping you in acceptance of self, flaws and all and also to shift your perspective about love and what you are hoping to find from it.

Cards 10 & 11- Changes to Overcome Challenges & solution

The Moon - Working with the moon and asking her energy to clear and cleanse your own energy in terms of healing and De-cluttering out the old mind and working to keep your space filled with positive energy and intention is definitely key here. Letting go of the old thought patterns by finding a way that’s naturally right with for you to clear- anything that brings you sadness or lets you focus on the old mindset thought wise that may trigger the feelings - let go of them and fill them with new things that bring you joy & Happiness. Start small within yourself to adjust the changes and tweak them to your own sense will help to bring you back a boost of self-worth.

Card 12 - Crucial Insight/Outcome - but final outcome is left for you to decide what's best forward

Ace of Coins - New Beginning is in sight - Want to say December/January time towards the end of … with every old year that goes out there is a new beginning…

So doe, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you are in a limbo at the moment with transition and change, awaiting changes to be made decision-wise in your life, always listen to your heart with those and trust your first thoughts(answers). Stag/Deer totem is coming in to help you guide you forward with grace and agility, which is apt, for your username… clouds of the confusion are indeed clearing as is the illusions which may make you feel trapped within your situation by the way I also got a headache from this so its also been stressing you out in frustration because you feel at a loss at the moment, but where there is a will, there is definitely a way out! Always a light at the end of the tunnel, Keep the positive thinking up and focus on moving forward!

Hope this spread helps doe, Peace & Blessings - CR

Oh my, celtic <3
I am beyond grateful you granted me a bit of your time <3 <3 thank you so so much
Will add a proper feedback today but thought I'll say that I read it a few times and waited until I'm not so low energy and murky spirited to properly respond (really hit lowest when I posted this and felt like it's not alright to keep spewing needy low energy around and ground myself first a wee bit)

<3 <3 means a lot

That's okay Doe, and not to worry on that. Hope that it has resonated though and can bring you some comfort from it, on that one!

Finally getting to properly give feedback - It's actually hard to give feedback or it's really easy, because in this case I can only agree with everything you have said. All interpretations of the cards are very relatable and hit the nail on the hammer.

Very much true that I felt like I have chosen the wrong turn for direction and it's so good to hear that I'm on the right track, even if it absolutely doesn't feel like that at all. Kinda feels like a punishment 😀
The hardest part probably is what you have said about card 7- clearing my thoughts and trying to stop my negative mindset from interfering.

Oh and I am sorry it gave you a headache </3 - this also perfectly described what this limbo feels like. I will try my best to make it through the upcoming weeks. It's really hard, because when I wake up I already am in much pain - maybe some extra help from a doc might be a good idea too? I think I can't do this on my own but I will give it a go!
This has given me a spark of hope and that I shouldn't take off just now, if I'm really that close to the new destination

Thank you so much, celtic<3

It is cool dae, but good idea and glad it has given you a spark of hope - yes you are not far away because it has shown up in your cards, but errr... the clearing thoughts and mindset will help you to feel a lot lighter... both in positive thinking and of course in the letting go of negative thoughts and other emotions that weigh you down.. just ask for AA Raphael the healing angel to vaccum your aura energy free of any thoughts, negative intent, fear, doubt, and heartache and also ask for him to refill the space in love and positive energy, as that will help a lot... if you believe in angels, it will help you to feel tons lighter... shifting perception i've found is a hard lesson to learn but once you've got it and start small with the positive thoughts because it will fall into place quickly after you've started small... care for you and your introspection...- it will help a lot and just generally clearing your mind/head also because it will give you clearer vision as to where you are headed next. trust in your instincts on this too for its because the congested emotion and thoughts are bottled & stored away and you end up over0thinking/over stressing about them in your mind that is what is stressing you out. So write it out or down or express it in another way that's creative... find a way that works for you even if its talking with a trusted friend about it... on here.... but don't hold it in..... Please fret not about giving me the headache- It is empathetic & will clear the moment I put this in and send you some healing prayers/light to clear it, also I cleared my energy after your read, so we are all good! Many thanks for feedback and the opportunity to work with your energy via tarot and your photo. Peace & Blessings be with you now!

Doe, also, I'm sending you out some positive energy healing as well to surround/wrap your energy with in universal light and love, so its there for you if you wish to accept it - Just acknowledge it by saying 'I am open to receiving the positive vibration energy healing sent to me from CelticRose' otherwise it will go straight to earth if you don't want it, but hopefully it will help keep you abreast and give you further encouragement to continue your journey in life.

Ahh you're incredible <3

These really are new challenges to me and a but abstract to take in but I'm so grateful you made it so understandable and relatable.

Also today is my birthday so the energy you sent me really came in as a great gift xx thank you so much

More than welcome, candle is still burning and positive prayers are still being sent out and I know its been sent because atmosphere has lifted here. Healing has finished sending to you though now, I think. But Glad you received it and more than welcome on that one.

Ok I posted here over a month ago n I haven't got any response so I am tring my luck again lol I been a member here for years but had to start over with a new page with the site switch over but I am 24 years old single pregnant woman I am lost at soul because the father of the child doesn't want to communicate with me I'm not sure if now he has found someone eles whom is distracting him or were his mind is bug my main question is do u see him coming back into communication with me for the sake of this child ??? Here's a picture of the two of us

I see him being wrapped up in his own life and doing what he does. He may make contact, but it will be sporadic at best, and you will get to the point where you just tell him to go away, you got this. You are going to be a great mom and do your best with him/her. I believe you are having a boy, but no matter what this child is going to love you to the moon and back. You have more support than you realize, and I hope you take them up on it. Good Luck and best wishes!

No hun he is not about family life all for self gain has a few gals he is talking too but for u a lil. Girl seems to be the new one coming an u will be such a wounderous momma hang in there love for u will be the babies support and love hug

My reading is that he is engrossed in his own agenda and part of that is chemical dependency and potentially crime. Whilst in this space he is unlikely to be able to be there for his child or you. The desire for contact with child could develop if he breaks out of his current cycle.

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