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planets and universal star races

Planets are also beings of high vibrational and universal light. The planetary system has many purposes over what the energy in the heavens can help you with. Here is a collective colloboration on what I know and have been working with in the last couple of months to determine a co-created guide to what purposes planetary energy can be used for on a healing path.

The ones I know so far and have worked with -

The SUN - Happinness and positivity, personal power and boosting energy of positivity.
Neptune - Deep clearing along with Neptune's Moon. Extremely good for clearing emotions and old vibrations and anything that needs clearing. Align it with Snowflake Obsidian energy and it will clear the old vibrations of the past.
VENUS - Fab energy to proceed with if you want to proceed with spirit work.
MARS - Fiery energy so extremely good for CHANGES and things happening on a quick schedule.
EARTH - effective for grounding energy and focusing in the NOW.

planets unknown to work with yet


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