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Picture reading

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Hello for Everyone:)
I am new here... These days I was looking desperately for something/ someone genuine who shows me some light in my gray life, maybe a psychic or clairvoyant can believe that still there is chance for me for a colorful life... I hope there is...
if anyone would be kind to give me a picture reading?
Thank you in advance...

" who shows me some light in my gray life,"

Aw, that's easy... I will give you an in-depth reading in the next day or two, but for now, some wisdom from Master Osho (a Zen master and author of a really neat tarot deck). The only challenge is choosing which bit of wisdom to share. I do feel like your life is in a state of flux right now. When the very landscape underneath you is shifting, it's difficult to BE somebody, to enjoy life, to live in color. I understand that. The good news is, all you have to do is- nothing! Master Osho:

"You are carrying a masterpiece hidden within you, but you are standing in the way. Just move aside, then the masterpiece will be revealed. Everyone is a masterpiece because God never gives birth to anything less. Everyone carries that masterpiece hidden for many lives, not knowing who they are, and just trying on the surface to become someone."

"Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it. God Himself created you, you cannot be improved."

What do you think about that? I know it's not much help in your current situation, we will get to that. Think of it as an anchor which you can hang on to, knowing that your inner being is this fantastic work of art- a masterpiece. Now that doesn't mean you are perfect. Far from it, those imperfections are what make you uniquely you. Just look at the Mona Lisa- a masterpiece on canvas. Is it a perfect rendition of her face? I doubt it. Does her face meet the definition of a perfect face? No. It's the little things, the eyebrows, the chin, that secret little smile which makes her fascinating. Same with you. Perfection is not a state which I aspire to. Perfection is sterile, lacking character. There is no room for improvement in a perfect life. No worries, no struggle, no adventure.

I will read for you shortly.

Thank you for your BEAUTIFUL answer..
First off all let me tell you I don’t know proper English I learned by myself, so sorry if I can’t express myself properly.- I am Hungarian.
I like Osho, I red a lot from him looong time ago when I just started to use my “ wings”. Then I realized I can fly 🙂
I am not searching anymore, because I came to know whatever I am looking for already I have it I just have to recognize it. No need to search only recognize... exepting it without expectation. Not easy to manifest this “ knowledge “ on material level that’s why we confused sometimes and looking for guidance in every day life.
I am not looking for perfection but for developments. I need guidance to can make the best decisions before my choices because I believe everything we do has consequences.
I want the best consequences what serves in best way my own and the collective consciousness as well.
Thank you to helping me in this.)

What do you feel between us?

This is me , didn’t show up on the other .

Hello - any updates on this? Would apppreciate it!!

I'll respond. I look at the two pictures and see two very different people. The guy is a groomsman leading a bridesmaid up the aisle at a wedding. He is polished and formally dressed. My only clue to the real him is the beard. You, on the other hand are casual, vibrant, real and accessible. I see the real you. I see a flower.

You, Marie, live very much out of the heart. You have passion. I see hints of passion in him. I would really like to see a picture of him Monday afternoon, when the formal wedding look is gone with the end of the weekend.

I was only going to draw one card for you, but I drew the Three of Swords, the Heartbreak card. It shows three sword piercing a heart. Are you just coming out of a bad relationship? Experienced a disappointment in your career or personal life? I hope none of these are true, but that's what the card suggests.

I drew another card for you, The Star, Major Arcana 17. The Star is an interesting card. There is a woman in the card, completely in tune with the stars. She is naked and comfortable in her nakedness. She pours herself out without reservation having faith that her wells will be replentished. This is you. {OK, I'm not implying you like to run around naked. Rather, you are very open.}

Know that life runs in cycles. Good times follow hard times. When the good times come, don't be afraid to give yourself over to them. I have a feeling you are prone to leap in with both feet emotionally and end up getting hurt. There is danger in never leaping in and being too eager to leap in. But that's life. The trick is in choosing wisely. The Two of Swords also came up. It is all about choosing between two courses of action.

I know that's not the answer you were looking for. It is what I have to offer today.

Blessings on your journey,


Thank you so much for time .

Yes that picture he was at his sisters wedding last summer. I will post a semi recent one from this summer , and same with me. Well I use to be open in love and areas of life but I’ve become guarded last 2-3 years . And for disappointment no relationship just work stuff, hoping nothing bad happens bc of this pandemic . But overall do you feel or sense something between us?

Most updated pics from this summer

This is not my strong suit. For what it's worth, I don't see anything. Your later picture shows somebody who is much more closed and in control, but the real you, the flower, is still there bursting out at the seams. I do understand the necessity of being guarded so you don't get hurt. I look at him and see him strong and self-contained. And he is next to a woman- again. I get the very same vibe in t-shirt and shorts that I did in a suit. He is what you are looking for. The only question is, what is he looking for.

These are only my impressions based on four photographs. I certainly don't know if you and he were meant to be. I hope you can use some of these insights.


That is his mom next him . Both pics the first one is his stepmom the other one is his birth mom.

Any feedback on these pics? Didn’t really get my question answered. Would appreciate an update thank you ALL .


I see boxes come from the sky. Attached to a balloon. That's how all my visions happen. So as I saw your box come down, you opened it and saw many many many many hearts. One big heart, and many small ones. You're going to have very much love in this relationship if you only pursue it. I saw a big smiley face. You can be very happy here. It just takes some time for it to work. Just be patient, and let it unfold naturally. I would suggest you decide if that's what you want. I do see children with him, if you get married. But it's really up to you. Thanks for listening. Have good luck with your future marriage.

Any further comments? Would like to have other people feedbacks.

Thank you! 🙂

I can't do detailed readings, I can only feel things in my chest. When I looked at your pictures I feel ecstatic and anxious. Like what you feel with new love. It feels like there could be some hope here and maybe some healing. I'm not sure what else to take from it as I'm not that experienced so take what makes sense from the feelings.

I can answer yes or no questions, or what feeling do you get about... if you have followup questions.

Sorry for the back and forth. But do you see or feel him reaching out ?

No problem. I asked the question and I did not get the generic yes or no feeling, I got the ecstatic over the moon feelings again. Kind of hit me strongly. I think that means yes, but I worry that I'm wrong and don't want to get your hopes up. Have you contacted him? Truly feels wonderful to have these feelings in me again, like new love. I can't tell if I'm just connecting to you and how you feel about him.

Hello ambin desperate need ofpicture reading if anyone is drawn to me would love a read. Ty

I fee you are an unusual highly perceptive and psychic person, but someone who desperately wants to fit in and be liked. You are trying to play a role that makes you appear 'normal' but deep down, you know you are living an unauthentic life. You have to dare to be you and move beyond just appearances. There are people out there who want friends who are not just good looking but who have a beautiful soul and intelligence. But you won't attract this sort of person to you until you begin to behave in a more authentic way yourself. You have to move beyond image to live at the deeper level of your heart and you will not be happy until you do so. Money I feel is a problem for you but you won't attract abundance until you value yourself more and feel worthy of wealth. A health issue can be fixed with better attention to what you put in your body and ON your body. There is a very restless spirit around you, trying to help you find the answers you seek but you are shutting him out through not being willing to open yourself to anyone (even a spirit) for fear of being hurt. But if you don't open yourself to anything, you attract nothing, not even good things. It requires courage to leave yourself open but you have that in spades. Take off your protective mask and face life 'naked' and unafraid! Be the real 'you'.

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