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New here, would love to try out a photo reading! 🙂

Hi, I just stumbled across this website.. so interesting and would love to try out a photo reading.

Thank you in advance!

You are trying to put on a happy face, but inside you are so sad and doubtful and disappointed with what life has served up to you. But you must participate more in life as at the moment you are hanging back a bit, waiting to see what happens, putting other people first. You have to be assertive and go get what you want, and express your needs and desires. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want. It's not being selfish. I think you put too much emphasis on being good and polite and nice and not pushing yourself forward, doing the 'right' thing. You give a bit too much without making sure you get something back; thus, you may attract too many 'takers'. Sometimes you have to fight for what you want, especially in love and career. You have to believe in your own strength, lovability, attractiveness and worthiness.

NAz KglX nkO Hwf