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'NEW' - Chatroom Available

The new chat room is up and running. Just click on the chat link.
It's accessible in all major browsers and 100% mobile friendly.

Please leave all your feedback here.


I like it.. its really easy to use!!

So on mobile I have found in when you login it shows the chat room inside the browser window and when you type in it scrolls you back upto the top when you send a message. Its not unless you hit menu - chat - select room that the chat opens up properly. If you test it Steve im sure you will see that I mean. Thanks

i like the new chat, however incase people are unaware you do need to sign up again 🙂

Ok so when opening the chat in a large window the icon next to the three lines top right corner. In that window you cant pm there just the ingnore option is there. - on laptop

The edit profile on laptop at the moment seems to have issues - Can not upload a image for profile pic or change any info and save it.

Lovely idea. So much better than the addon chat room too.
Much more simpler and easier to navigate and less buggy as well, most likely.
Is there a way to zoom in on the text though so that it makes it bigger??
because I can't seem to find that anywhere on this one! But no worries! I'll manage.

i can't get to the chat even though im loggged into the forums help please it says my email address is wrong but im already logged in

chat registration is separate from the forums

Hey Admin,
I really like this new chat room, it is really mobile friendly. Thanks

Steve - Is its possible to be able to bring up your pm's once you have closed them? If you haven't closed the window you can still pm that person and they pick up the message later when they come online but if you have closed your pm window there is no way of sending them a message. Thanks

not for me im to hated no matter what I do I seem to be misinterpreted lol GG BLIND ONES

I don't it hates me im prob banned lolol … haters ppl always wanna be judging . idk why im fairly nice and reasonable read my posts . lol if u care to .