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Need help

wondering if someone willing to have a chat as i have a few concerns. Cut a long story short. Had a stalker became aware of it a few years ago.then out of nowhere appeard to stop, now things are happening again and im very worried i dont know who the person is and how worried i should be looking for advice.

I have had experiences since before I can remember. I seem to have a little bit of everything and am not sure what to call myself.

I’ve seen things, heard things, felt things both physically and emotionally.

Sometimes I know what someone will say before they say it or I’ll call when they are thinking of me, and I’ve had visions appear in front of me.

I am having trouble controlling the flow of information that I get and also deciphering what is real and what is not.

I get terrible anxiety and have even had anxiety attacks because of how overwhelmed I become, because I don’t know if I have an active imagination or if I am communicating with spirits.

I also have spirits that violate boundaries almost seemingly intentionally as to say “I am in control” and I’m not sure how to make them back off.

Altogether when it come’s to this subject I am almost entirely alone because no one except for my grandmother believes me.

Please can anyone help?

to ABT Audrey1234.

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Here is a very helpful link, that can answer some of your questions / relate to you.

Psychic Learning & Spiritual Development ‹The Empath's Path > Self - Care List for Empaths


That was very helpful. I've always had "abilities " but I'm just now really starting to learn about them. Thank you for your guidance.

This is a wonderful place to ask in chat any questions that you have. Great energy here also.
I remember being so very overwhelmed. Please trust your intuition & always feel free to ask questions in chat. I wish you lots love & light!

Thank you stargazer72.
