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Hello all thanks for reading this,, it was a boring day for me in Ireland it was a sunday the windows where all fogged up in the house with condensation, and my mam was watching her soaps on the tv..I need to get out of the house but it was stormy outside,,, but I just wanted to get out of the house ,,, we lived close to the river Shannon so decide the best thing to do wa to taek my small boat out for a ride...I headed up to where the oat was moored...and took out heading from a small river to a big river...well just before I headed to the big river the hair stood up on my neck.......then my engine propeller came out of the water and made a great roar this was happening I looked behind mr only to see an old man waving at me .....with a kind of smile on his face....I jumped !!!!!!! put the engine in reverse and looked again back to where the man was ,,he was gone....but why was an old man sitting on a slanted rock close to the river ,,,,, a young man wouldn't even do this out of fear of falling in tp the water........I brought the boat back to the mooring.....and headed home ...I had a lot of thought about what had happened ,,,,the larger river that I was heading on to was raging ,,and I had no life jacked on.......and it was an old boat and a weak 1.5 hp Honda engine.......later a medium told me it was my granddad that saved me ,, I believer this to be true........amazing this can happen to be saved by people that have passed over to the other side.well I guess its true love is the greatest force in the world..peace yall

Makes perfect sense to me that it was him. Ive had several visits from family members that had passed on. It was usually just them telling me they were always watching me or giving me some kind of advice. Family is always there even in death.

This is good to know that you have got the connection with the actual person through the medium.

Thank you for sharing this - and I'm glad you could tell it.

This could of been a spirit just trying to warn you that you were in danger, he might of knew the river well especially on stormy days. Spirits connect to certain places, the fact he was on the rock waving you a signal and was smiling to indicate don't fear him implied this. Next time you will be able to keep your wits about you when you have spirit encounters.