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My life literally depends on this.

my life literally depends on this

Please I need someone to help me. I do not know if I should stay where I am at or if I should move out and on with my life. Me and my fiance have been together 10 years but he has never changed his ways in those 10 years. I guess I just really need to know if it's worth one more shot and he really means it this time or if I should just run far away

By Moon at late degrees, indicates your feelings of almost done with the relationship however Pisces like to be undecided as where Moon is at. I feel you aren't quite there yet. This mean uncertainty especially if no changes can be made (4th from relationship house.....Mars, Virgo). He has gotten away with relaxed boundaries (Venus 0degrees Libra) doing what he wants, also his Moon is in your Pisces house indicating this. You value structures he tosses things to the wind and deals with matters if he really has to. Last major aspect Mercury made was to Sun indicates you already voiced yourself to him on matters so the energy is like on a merry go round, you will hang in there for a bit longer. You think on matters but nothing will come about just yet.