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Messages from spirits or something else ?

Wasn't sure which section to post this in, but this seems to be the most suitable one.

Somethings happening with me, and i'm not quite sure what it is.

I say out of the blue unintentional random things, and then they end up happening very shortly after.

I'll give you a few examples of what i can remember....

The 1st memory i have of this happening was a few years ago, and i was at a summer carnival with friends, there was some guys there who'd come down from another city on their motorbikes, and it was nearing the end of the day....two of the guys were chatting to two of my friends i was with, but i sat back on the grass as wasn't that interested in any of them. But one of them was trying to get my number and just before they left, he said "so what you saying" so to be as polite as i could, as i wasn't interested in him.. i said "Just have a safe journey" .

Anyway as my other 2 friends had exchanged numbers etc, and was in touch with his friends....the following day one of my friends told me that the guy who was chatting me up had died on the motorway on the way home...he'd come off his bike .....and id unintentionally out of nowhere said to him "have a safe journey".

Trust me, now i never say that phrase to anyone. 😕

The 2nd memory of this was with a guy i've been seeing and it was last xmas, two days before Newyear....things were not good between us communication wise, as he was at home and it just caused a lot of tension between us.

We was txting this particular night quite late....but i was being a bit of a bitch with him, and at the end before i went off line, i "once again" unintentionally out of nowhere said "well i hope your New.year goes off with a bang as i know mine will".

And lo and behold Newyears morning, im getting txts from his wife as she'd been through his phone and noticed txts from his New year did go off with a bang.

The last one was just this weekend and the same guy are driving in his car to go and pick my Friend up and go the shop to get some drink. I remember during the journey turning my head to the side and saying "are you ready for the tidal wave or tornado" im not sure which one i said...but it was one of the two. Random again for me to just come out with this.....

Then we went back to my house, approx 1hr later he is outside on his phone pacing up and down for ages, then he finally comes back in saying he needs to leave and go home to calm her down as she's heard the like what voicemail, turns out he'd accidentally after calling her before reaching mine before we went out again...had not put the call down properly, so it had gone to voicemail ans she'd heard him talking to me.

And i said a couple of hrs before...."are you ready for the tornado".

So now i have to be so careful with my words sometimes.....infact sometimes im afraid to even speak. I feel like im putting spells on people unintentionally or something.

Does anyone have similar experiences with this....or even know what this could be ?

Ive been doing a lot of research myself on this to try and find out, but the only thing im thinking it could be from the research ive done is chaneling....but im not too sure.

Sheknows, I can see how this would be distressing to you. I personally tend to over think what I say before I say it (social anxiety for the win), and on the occasion I say something I didn't intend or something that comes across badly I get upset over it.

Others could probably comment with more informed advice, but one thing I've learned is you get what you put out. If you have negative intent then it will somehow come back at you.

Because you said these things without actually intending or expecting anything bad to happen, I don’t think you caused them. Even if you meant something sarcastically or as a dig, that's not the same as wishing someone dead or willing bad things to happen to them.

It's easy to think back on things like "the last thing I said to this person before something bad happened to them was this" and analyze what was said. I don’t think you made any of this happen. I would advise you to try not to dwell so much on these things you've said. Maybe if you feel uncomfortable with things you say, continue to be careful of what you say for your own peace of mind. But, expend the same sort of energy on this you would spend on practicing public speaking skills. No need to be afraid of what might come out of your mouth.

I do believe the thoughts you focus on shape your outlook, in general for everyone. If you're constantly thinking your words can trigger bad things, of course every little thing you say is going to seem like the wrong thing. I've been getting number messages (repeated sequences of numbers), so now I look everywhere for number patterns. Really the messages I get happen when I'm not looking for them.

Ease up on yourself. -hug- These things weren't your fault.

Can I ask how this all works

ColeWayne wrote: ↑Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:00 am
Sheknows, I can see how this would be distressing to you. I personally tend to over think what I say before I say it (social anxiety for the win), and on the occasion I say something I didn't intend or something that comes across badly I get upset over it.

Others could probably comment with more informed advice, but one thing I've learned is you get what you put out. If you have negative intent then it will somehow come back at you.
No there was no intentional negative intent at all with either of these experiences. I just blurt out whatever and ends up happening in a round about way.
Because you said these things without actually intending or expecting anything bad to happen, I don’t think you caused them. Even if you meant something sarcastically or as a dig, that's not the same as wishing someone dead or willing bad things to happen to them.
I don't think i caused them as such....but just find it weird that the words i say do end up happening (at times).
It's easy to think back on things like "the last thing I said to this person before something bad happened to them was this" and analyze what was said. I don’t think you made any of this happen. I would advise you to try not to dwell so much on these things you've said. Maybe if you feel uncomfortable with things you say, continue to be careful of what you say for your own peace of mind. But, expend the same sort of energy on this you would spend on practicing public speaking skills. No need to be afraid of what might come out of your mouth.
I have no control though, i don't have time to analyze and think about what im going to say or not going to say....i just say it.
I do believe the thoughts you focus on shape your outlook, in general for everyone. If you're constantly thinking your words can trigger bad things, of course every little thing you say is going to seem like the wrong thing. I've been getting number messages (repeated sequences of numbers), so now I look everywhere for number patterns. Really the messages I get happen when I'm not looking for them.
Im not thinking my thoughts or words are triggering bad things, so im not really being overly cautious like this. There sort of a form of premonitions in a way i think, but said in an indirect way.

I say "are you ready for the tornado" the guy gets all caught up in one in his personal life 2 hrs later.
I say "have a safe journey" the guy dies in a motorbike crash.
I say "i hope your newyear goes off with a bang" the guys was in arguments the early hour of newyears morning.

So this is why im trying to figure out what it is, so i can use it properly or even learn to develop or control it.
Ease up on yourself. -hug- These things weren't your fault.

Thanks for your thoughts anyway. 🙂

Pilgrim has reacted to this post.

lovebug425 wrote: ↑Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:52 pm
Can I ask how this all works

Can you ask how all what works ?

I agree with the previous response.Go easy on yourself. Don't take it to heart.

Personally I sense that you're WAY over thinking this. In my extensive experience this really isn't a case of predictions but of coincidental comments. You definitely are NOT creating events to be sure and I don't feel you have clairvoyance either. It seems like lackadaisical offhanded comments which by chance were followed by random, unfortunate events. I wouldn't worry about your words. It is interesting to compare the coincidents though!! Don't worry and set your mind at ease!!

Pilgrim has reacted to this post.

I don't think its a case of predictions but perhaps just precognitive knowing comments. Almost in a way that you know exactly what to say to people that will help them. It is not a negative gift to have and can actually be a lovely gift once you find the balance of working with it. don't be afraid to say something to people because you don't know if they are aware or not - never be afraid to voice things either. Trust in Spirit that you've said what's needed to be said too. 🙂 Keep those thoughts positive as well in knowing that what you have said is out there now, as well!

I am careful what i say and think. I have read a book called Cosmic ordering by Barbel Moher.
Its about though process and making things happen in a positive way.
so the negative way would also be possible.
Its hard and takes a lot of training but reading this does not surprise me in the slightest.

This has happened to me a few times. I definitely believe that premonitions come as sudden thoughts sometimes .. definitely.. so, if a sudden vision or premonition thought comes and you say to someone ''what if __scenario__'' and then it happens... well, you're definitely not imagining it :o)

The last three-four times now I have been in a car and have mentioned the words 'break down' I have without fail.. broken down within ten minutes max. I doubt I jinxed it but I know it's more than coincidence for sure. I think it sounds like you are having premonitions... I believe you and sometimes we say things without registering them for too long .. Intuition comes before logic as they say.. we don't take time to think about and analyze what comes through intuitively as we do with other thoughts.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend though.. as much as I can see why you told him ''safe journey'' please don't blame yourself for what happened.. I know if you had fully been aware it was going to happen, you would have known for sure.


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