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Maxe's Psychic Games

Maxe has another fun filled psychic game to play this week! Everyone (any level) is welcome to join!

Thursday May 25th at 8 pm Eastern Time

I hope I remember to come to this! lol Sounds like fun. Marking my calendar!

Haha... Nice one, Maxe

Think this should be good fun.

Free sample of Wonder Tonic for the first 10 buckaroos!

Nah, seriously, this is all Amy's doing! ๐Ÿ˜€

I can say that it will all be picture reads - I have many different categories; pets, people, haunted/historical places, crime.
I have probably prepared way too many games for one evening, so I think it will be a little mix of several categories = )

Hope to see a lot of you there!

looking forward to this ๐Ÿ™‚

Hi everyone!

I'll do a rerun of last weeks games - which means the SAME GAMES at a different hour, for the people who weren't able to make it last week.

Thursday June 1st - 9pm GMT - 4pm EST - 1pm PST

Everyone's welcome! There's no pressure and no winners or losers ๐Ÿ˜›

As mentioned earlier, it will be picture readings in the categories: pets, people, haunted/historical places, crime etc... that I have prepared in advance. Some in a "quiz form" of sorts. Not pic reads where site users send in pictures to be read.

Aaand just to be clear, the games are not a 'test' to make anyone fail. So don't be afraid to join on that account.

On the contrary, they are for you to have fun with trying out your psychic abilities, in ways you might not be used to, or have even tried before. Even if you're a complete beginner, you're most welcome to join! - I'm sure you will experience that you can also get some correct 'psychic impressions' = )

Thanks Tink = )

Will host NEW games Thursday, June 8th - 23 GMT(11pm) - 6pm EST - 3pm PST!

Hope to see you there!

Oh i missed that. When will be the next time it gets fun filled with psychic games?
Do i have to be experienced to play that game?!

Hey Rob,

I decided to cancel last week, cause only a couple people showed up.. Altho I felt bad about having to disappoint those.
Currently considering if I should try again, at a different hour/day.

And no, the games were for beginners too = )