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Mabon Circle - Autumn Thanksgiving Circle. Thursday 21st September

CelticRose will be holding a Mabon / Autumn Thanksgiving circle on Thursday, 21st September
8pm GMT

All are welcome
The Circle will be held in Anybodythere's Chat 'Events' Room

Autumn Equinox- Mabon – True Thanksgiving

Autumn Equinox is one of the festivals in the year. It falls near to September the 21st and it means Equal Night at this time. Its when day and night are equalize and the day and night are of equal length. It brings about a balancing of life in unity and co-creation. Though our circle today- this is a secondary focus for this time of year, our primary focus is about the thought and intention behind giving and offering of thanks not only for the old but also for the new. It is a time of celebration after the gathering of the harvest, it is a time for reaping what you have sown and look at the hopes and aspirations and reflect on how they have manifested. To clear out and let go of which that is no longer needed as when the wintertime comes, it can offer us a time of reflection, healing and peace.

Mabon is thought to be a time of True Thanksgiving. So why not come and join us in an open circle to unite together in the name of Love and work with Spirit to deliver messages of insight, guidance and clarity to those who just want to watch or sit… come and join us if you wish to learn and practice before the class to prompt the messages forward on a psychic or universal link….there will be a visualization to help you link too with spirit and also images to help with focusing of psychic links or if you want to watch and add your energy to watch others work, more than welcome to share within this open circle today....

Please note this is an open circle, so if you want to watch or add your energy more than welcome to come along. Should readers feel drawn to come to you and offer you a reading, then please only answer with Yes, No, True, Maybe or Possible, Do not give information away if Spirit have the floor, this does affect the integrity of a link. Feedback can be posted onto bios at the end of session - CelticRose

ooh ok Celtic Rose.. what a lovely idea .. but i am at dog training at tiat time !! I cant come! .. i do hope its a wonderful success.
love helen.xxxx

hugs helen no worries on that one, maybe the next one you can make it if this one is successful. If I come up with any other smart thinking ideas for circles, I'll let the you and the others know. =o)

Wonderful CelticRose .. i would have come but the lady who does dog training is a severe woman.. haa i am too scared to tell her i cant come !!
Let me know how it goes. xxxx

Haha. Love it. Nps either way!

Scenes of Autumn/Fall Images for people to work with if they feel drawn to do so on psychic link or positive energy. Work with it as to how you would with a tarot card, first thoughts only and every little message helps!

Picture 1: Reflection

Picture 4: Relax!

An Article that I found helpful and very useful for explaining the energies around Equinox. This Equinox will be the turning point of the year and marked when the Sun shifts into Libra. Libra, in case you didn’t know, is a sign that for the most part revolves around finding balance and learning to live in harmony with others. It is a sign that helps us to look at life from a more compassionate view. To sum it all up, this is a sign that encourages us to be the best versions of ourselves we can be. As the Sun shifts into Libra on this Equinox, we will be experiencing a lot of new things. During this time there will be a huge shift in energy. While we are used to these shifts, this one will be more focused on allowing our goals to meet their full potential. This will be a hard energy shift for Mother Nature as she is still sorting through all the energy she absorbed during the Total Solar Eclipse that made its way across the United States. As this Equinox happens we will be invited to balance ourselves out and find the middle ground that we have been needing for quite some time. We will be forced to take the good things with the bad and while some of this will be hard to accept we do not have any other choice. The Universe will not push something on you that you cannot handle and you need to remember that above all else. I'm aware this is an external link and may lead off-of site, but it is the source which beautifully explains what Equinox is about. I couldn't have placed it closer to it though, could I? All good stuff.

Source: [dead link]

Great turn out., wonderful energies.

How we use our Blessings is truly a Thanksgiving.


Thanks Celtic for holding the circle for us all Grateful for your time

A lovely turn out last night. Thanks for your support and opportunity, but I think i will just be sticking with readings in future. I had spoken with owlscrying briefly after that and feel a lot happier with the outcome now. You never know what the future will bring so I won't say never but i will say it was a learning curve for me as much as you all. And practice makes perfect! Anyways for all of those who requested the guided meditation again who wish to catch up on what you missed- Here is the meditation posted for all those that wanted to try it again.

Become aware of the natural flow of your breathing, but just relax…..
When you are ready, envision yourself getting up from where you are sitting at the moment, don’t force it, but just allow it to happen naturally, calmly glance towards the left where you doorway is which is left slightly ajar at the moment with a beautiful beam of light shining all the way through it.

This light is highly vibration.. As you walk through the doorway and into it, feel it lovingly wrapping itself around you and surround you with the most beloved sense of warmth and healing energy.

As the light guides you to walk forwards, there is a sense of wistfulness about it, but you can come back anytime, though for now, you are feeling drawn to move forward and see what’s beyond this light. As you envision the light clearing slowly but surely in its own time, your senses are blossoming and you are focusing on the path ahead…

you walk beyond the poppies growing up in the meadow full of wild flowers, their colours washing over you opening you up, continue moving past the marigolds and buttercups and the water lilies on the lake, this lake is so peaceful and so calm, that you can return here anytime, you move forwards past the bluebells nestled along the wayside and the rows of pink rogue rhododendrons that seemed to have replanted themselves,

you know in your heart that you are welcomed here…. as are all friends that are connected to you through love and the warmth from that love spreads within you and surrounds you in love raising your vibration higher to connect with them…

as you reach the cusp of the woodland… you ask for the permission to enter the wood, the answer is given to you firmly on the wind, you enter the quietness of the forest but its not too quiet because you can hear the rustling sounds of the animals camouflaged in the undergrowth

as the path or track you have been following comes to more a standstill, you find yourself in a clearing where the tree of gnarled branches calls to you with a very wise smile, there is such a warmth in her energy that you are not afraid…

you sit beneath her branches at the base of the trunk, lean back into the trunk, feel the wood, feel the grounding energy surround you gently and the roots themselves wrap themselves around your feet descending into the earth and as mother nature grounds you further, from there you rise, grounded and connected…you slip into a bubble of bright sunlight which is your protection for this circle.
When you are ready to continue, follow the path around the lake that you passed along the wayside, notice that there is a bench waiting for you at this point….. its here that you may ask for your guides to step in and help you link to spirit if you wish for someone in this circle room

ask for them to step forward and join you, if your guide is your inner voice, that’s ok as well… sit down on the bench opposite the lake and wait patiently for someone to join you in the meditation or if you don’t want to work with spirit but just by connecting on a psychic level

scan the member list to see if there’s anyone you feel drawn to, ask for their permission first to tune in, focus on the username…. see the energy around their username…. looking beyond it…. don’t stress if you don’t get anything at all…. but if you do, give all you receive….if you don’t know what to do, just sit back and relax and enjoy the journey…

for those wanting to read- once your link has opened work with them to convey all information…. and any messages they wish to give…. when link is finished, thank your guide and any loved ones for linking in….

When you are ready to return, bring your awareness back to the room. Your guide and spirit or those who have linked in will return with you to the room so let me know when you are ready to work and have returned to the present & now.