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Looking for Psychics/Your Theories or Beliefs on Psychic Abilities

I am looking for other people who have psychic abilities. No matter what this ability might be. I'd like to speak with you. I am currently doing a bit of independent research and have some questions. This comes from someone with abilities of their own. I have questions for others about how they use their abilities and how they work. Thus far, I have seen certain patterns. I am very much interested in continuing my observations. Anyone who is willing to speak with me. You can feel free to comment here or to contact me through private message. I would also love to strike up a conversation here on this thread about everyone's theories and beliefs on psychic abilities. Do you think everyone has them to some degree? Where do you think they come from?

Hello...If you wish to ask me questions regarding psychic abilities I may have please feel free and if I can answer I will do so providing you understand they will be my opinion only and not based on any other persons belief.
Kind regards

It would be nice to keep this to the open forum. I think we would all benefit from this thread. It interests me. I am Akasha on this site. You can ask me anything you want. 🙂

For those of you who have commented on this so far. I'd love to hear your feedback on the two questions I asked above.
Do you think that everyone has some form of psychic abilities whether they realize it or not?
Where do you think psychic abilities come from? To elaborate more on this question. What do you think is the origin of psychic abilities. Something more mystical, is it simply inherent abilities the human mind possesses, some variety of both, and so on. What do you think are their origins?

Hi! I’m trying to figure out if I have any psychic ability. My family is very open about it so I grew up thinking it’s “normal”. A family member developed her psychic ability when she was taught by a friend and she continued to practice over the years.
In my case, I’m not really sure if I have any psychic ability. I don’t know if feeling energies and passing it on to a person or a place is an ability. Also, I don’t know if knowing what people are about to say is an ability.
There are so much I wanna understand and learn HOWEVER, a big part of me is scared. I have family members who can see ghosts and creatures and I don’t want that.

My take is as follows: I reckon that once the proportion of people who have psychic abilities and openly used and discussed them was once higher than it is now.

Reasons: 1 - persecution of people as 'witches' over many hundreds of years; 2 - industrialisation; 3 - sciences; 4 - rationalism. It is likely that these factors, until recently, put the whole area more under cover. Interesting that in Russia, for instance, it is still actually illegal to be involved in any of whole psychic, spiritual, healing world.

Tribal cultures still keep the area alive, through shamanism and their spirituality. And more recently, growing interest in anything 'alternative' including psychic/mediumship/spirituality etc. has seen an upturn in people actively owning and sharing abilities. Consequently, there are workshops, psychic fayres, which include many disciplines, including reiki, spiritual healing and so on. This is possibly due to the age of Aquarius, and a shift. I have read often that this movement is part of overall increasing humanity's vibration.

My own abilities?

Seeing ghosts, orbs, fairies. Sensing spirit presences. Sometimes hear spirits. Whilst I am aware of no calling to mediumship, people have often told me that with training I would be able to do this. I am a natural spiritual healer. I know things about people, spontaneously. I know things that have happened, or are about to happen, despite being geographically and timewise remote from these, including what has happened in peoples' lives. I have had precognitive dreams, can work with psychometry, picture readings, tarot, crystal. I have trained in and used regression therapy and hypnotherapy. I have also left my body, done astral travel, spontaneously, and by will.

Hello everyone,
Your feedback thus far has been very interesting. Here's another question. Do you think that psychic abilities can be inherited within a family line? What are your thoughts on people who claim to be psychics to gain profit, do you think any of them are legitimate? Do you believe in abilities that more directly have an impact on the physical world such as telekinesis?

I'm more than happy to talk with you on this subject if you'd like.

I fully believe that everyone has the ability to be psychic, it is all a matter of reprogramming yourself to notice and tap into those energies.
I have always known I have had these abilities, I just didn't really start consciously using them until recently.

My psychic ability sort of hit me out of the blue in the wee small hours. It came to me some months after the sudden death of my partner in an accident, although it wasn't his spirit that first came through - it started out with what is called "Automatic Writing".

Initially I was terrified by it all, but over the years terror turned to gradual acceptance. Decades later I still question my mediumship abilities more than anyone. The only reason I continue is because it helps Spirit and their grieving loved ones attain a deeper perspective and understanding and can often bring them great peace.