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limesushi's Bio.

Hi! I am limesushi.

My readings are quite different I think because I don't use much of an aid unless I use a notebook, which is rare.

I do not speak to spirits, use tarots, or crystal balls. Instead I read off of energy, because thats what we all are made out of and I tap into yours if you are willing. I get thoughts, and images, sometimes the images are from reality, sometimes they are a way of explaining what is going on in your life emotionally.

I like pictures, but they are not needed for me to read, it just helps me connect.

And I am an empath, so emotions sometimes make me lose my read, since I don't touch on very painful experiences. If I do, it will only be for a moment before moving on just to get it out of the way.

I only read in chat, and I don't read unless I am drawn to someone. IF you would like a reading from me, do not corner me in chat, that is a instant no, but please leave your request here-on my bio feed. I am not very good with money, but I'm pretty good at emotional stress, relationships, and other things like that.

*I have been reading off and on at ABT for atleast 7 years.*