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lightning dream meaning !

Yes I know I can go to Google and figure out the meaning of each symbol that appears in my dreams. But where's the fun in that? Also I get feedback,meanings as well as your personal thoughts on the dream.

So lets get to it. I am a hobbyist in photography and love spending hours in a forest just taking photographs, writing in my journal, or contemplating about the many things that are to come.

Last night I had a dream were it was almost dark. I had my camera in hand and it started to lightning all over the place in the sky. It was very vivid to the point it felt so real. I was in the zone taking as many photographs as I could. The was quick, but seemed as if it lasted for a half an hour or more. I was wondering if the lightning I experienced in my dream had a meaning at all. If anyone could help explain that would be greatful.

I want to also include everything that is going on in my life as well. I've been very busy , haven't had a day off in a few weeks. I do get to have this weekend off thanks god. I've been also busy with Christmas. Buying gifts,making baked goods to give to the homeless and friends and family. Also still in school, my mom was just diagnosed with skin cancer as well. Since its almost Christmas we have been getting a Ron ofsnow and -20C weather. I can feel thé singer blues approaching and slowly i can feel myself loosing m'y positive thinking.

Sorry for the long and detailed post. But i felt like i had to share. Again, any help would be greatly appreciated. Love & Light , happy holidays . Yours sincerly, Brandon.

Even though I don't do well in dream interpretation, I'll take a stab at it...since the lightning stood out the most of the entire dream you posted, my guess is, the lightning significantly represents the sudden changes you had endured in your life.

Hello’ Brandon:

As you may already know….dreams, most dreams individuals experience are merely an assortment of random imagery and emotions that have been recently experienced days or even weeks before.
Often, individuals will have a serious or chaotic event happening in their life and will, due to unresolved challenges, and will bottle-up these conflicted feelings and internal torment or chaos and…will then experience these inner conflicts in their dream state, attempting to become ‘aware’ of these inner nudgings towards awakening and enlightenment.

Also, it is important to understand here that….interpreting another individuals’ dreams is quite difficult and rarely do the individuals doing the interpreting…find clarity or accuracy, due to the differences in each and every person’s particular preferences.

For example, one individual may dream of a horse flying around in a circle and the subject/client may interpret this as a symbol for him or her to move their house or home to a more remote or peaceful environment, whereas, the interpreter himself or herself may interpret this flying horse to mean something completely different and not even related to the individual or his or her issue.

This is why those individuals who write books on dreams and offer lists of symbols that they ‘feel or believe’ is valid. This being similar to our news agencies wherein one news channel will talk about their perspective on the Political situation and on another news channel there will be another totally different perspective on the exact same issue, giving the perception that…this is the ‘real’ truth and the other news channels have only a part or portion of the truth, when in fact, “truth is subjective” and is directly related to the ‘frame of reference’.

And so, this is often why there are so many different perspectives on the same issue from so many individuals, each interpreting their own unique perspective while each following their own unique set of truths and preferences.

Therefore, the best interpreter for the job is…you. Hence, I would suggest you seek out a spiritual mentor or metaphysical course/class or buy some books and talk to some people who can point you in the right direction.

Personally, I have found dreams quite easy to interpret and understand, therefore I can offer you a brief analysis of your past situation regarding your dream of ‘lightening’ and its purpose.

Now…as I look more intensely to your dream and its vibrational memories which are still floating around you5 mind and consciousness….it does appear that….the purpose behind this particular dream is….based in conflict.

This ‘lightening’ being perceived as a symbol of internal conflict you get whenever you block your impulses. This dream being symbolized as a…. “Universal kick in the butt”….to wake you up so you will question your own behaviors and attitudes.

For example, you may be creating an experience which you focus your attention upon objectively. The subjective, being so closely expressed to the objective awareness in the perception on this particular orientation, creates a different type of input. Your attention focuses in an objective manner upon you, more so than it focuses upon outside elements.

The difference between these two orientations, that of the objective and the subjective, is in the association with perception. Therefore, it is vital that you begin to ‘intuitively listen’ to your inner language and then you will be more capable in managing your internal movement and flow and attain that ultimate inner harmony and peace and balance between these internal forces.

Hence, learning to explore self and all of your’ complications, workings and challenges is your main priority.

I hope this has helped.

Thank you for the opportunity to share in your experience and challenges.

In Light & Joy, Wandering Soul

Hello’ Brandon:

As you may already know….dreams, most dreams individuals experience are merely an assortment of random imagery and emotions that have been recently experienced days or even weeks before.

Often, individuals will have a serious or chaotic event happening in their life and will, due to unresolved challenges, and will bottle-up these conflicted feelings and internal torment or chaos and…will then experience these inner conflicts in their dream state, attempting to become ‘aware’ of these inner nudgings towards awakening and enlightenment.

Also, it is important to understand here that….interpreting another individuals’ dreams is quite difficult and rarely do the individuals doing the interpreting…find clarity or accuracy, due to the differences in each and every person’s particular preferences.

For example, one individual may dream of a horse flying around in a circle and the subject/client may interpret this as a symbol for him or her to move their house or home to a more remote or peaceful environment, whereas, the interpreter himself or herself may interpret this flying horse to mean something completely different and not even related to the individual or his or her issue.

This is why those individuals who write books on dreams and offer lists of symbols that they ‘feel or believe’ is valid. This being similar to our news agencies wherein one news channel will talk about their perspective on the Political situation and on another news channel there will be another totally different perspective on the exact same issue, giving the perception that…this is the ‘real’ truth and the other news channels have only a part or portion of the truth, when in fact, “truth is subjective” and is directly related to the ‘frame of reference’.

And so, this is often why there are so many different perspectives on the same issue from so many individuals, each interpreting their own unique perspective while each following their own unique set of truths and preferences.

Therefore, the best interpreter for the job is…you. Hence, I would suggest you seek out a spiritual mentor or metaphysical course/class or buy some books and talk to some people who can point you in the right direction.

Personally, I have found dreams quite easy to interpret and understand, therefore I can offer you a brief analysis of your past situation regarding your dream of ‘lightening’ and its purpose.

Now…as I look more intensely to your dream and its vibrational memories which are still floating around you5 mind and consciousness….it does appear that….the purpose behind this particular dream is….based in conflict.

This ‘lightening’ being perceived as a symbol of internal conflict you get whenever you block your impulses. This dream being symbolized as a…. “Universal kick in the butt”….to wake you up so you will question your own behaviors and attitudes.

For example, you may be creating an experience which you focus your attention upon objectively. The subjective, being so closely expressed to the objective awareness in the perception on this particular orientation, creates a different type of input. Your attention focuses in an objective manner upon you, more so than it focuses upon outside elements.

The difference between these two orientations, that of the objective and the subjective, is in the association with perception. Therefore, it is vital that you begin to ‘intuitively listen’ to your inner language and then you will be more capable in managing your internal movement and flow and attain that ultimate inner harmony and peace and balance between these internal forces.

Hence, learning to explore self and all of your’ complications, workings and challenges is your main priority.

I hope this has helped.

Thank you for the opportunity to share in your experience and challenges.

In Light & Joy, Wandering Soul