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Life path and Love reading

Hi all,
I am new to this site and would like to ask one of you lovely gifted psychics if you could give me a reading about my lifes path and love life please.

I'll read for you, turn the cards and see where they lead. It would help if I had a picture, a candid pic which showed your eyes. Otherwise, I have nothing more than a name and a single sentence to go on.

Hi Sanford_P,
I have sent you a PM with a photo of my eyes, many thanks again for doing a reading for me i appretiate it alot.

Adrian, looking for a read, a general read about love and life. Certainly you are familiar with the three manifestations of men in tarot, the Page, the Knight, and the King. The Page is still in the castle, but trained and ready to go out in the world. The Knight is in the world questing for his kingdom. The King has won his kingdom and now watches over it, managing and protecting it.

Certainly you are the Knight, out in the world building a life (a kingdom) of your own, but it’s taking longer than you thought. I’ll go to my Gilded deck this morning and see what that message the cards have for you.

The cards seldom disappoint. The message they have this morning is pretty clear- just a matter of putting it into words. I drew the Four of Wands (reversed), the Hanging Man, Major Arcana 12,and The Star Major Arcana 17 (reversed). Two cards reversed and the third showing a man hanging upside down. Right there is a message for you. Let’s look at the cards individually.

The Four of Wands is one of several “Happy Home”cards It shows a mother, father, and small child in a meadow surrounded by four wands. Fours symbolize stability. Two rabbits play in the foreground symbolizing abundance. A dragonfly is above symbolling general happiness and being busy. It’s a wonderful, peaceful picture, wishes fulfilled. But it’s reversed. Part of you wants this sort of very traditional life, 9-5 job, house in the suburbs, stay-at-home wife and mother. Part of you chafes at the idea. Those four wands in the picture symbolize walls, walls which keep you safe and warm or walls that confine. Let’s move on.

The second card, The Hanging Man, is the absolute opposite. He lives life in a manner not consistent with society. He has broken the chains of convention and lives by the light of his own truths. For this he is considered a fool by some and rejected by others. Those are the prices to pay for living an unconventional life- living upside down. You don’t conform. You don’t want to conform, and now you are wondering if this is really the path for you. Yes? If conforming means compromising your values, your identity, the cost is too high. We all do little things to fit in- I don’t wear pajamas to the grocery store. My lawn stays neatly trimmed. This could be out of personal pride or to fit in. Or a bit of both. My point is, living unconventionally is not either/or, all or nothing. You could, for example, be a freelance artist during the week and go to church ”properly” dressed on Sunday. I really think the message for you here is to embrace all of who you are even if some of those parts may seem to conflict. The unconventional parts may be small (like reading tarot), but they are all part of the whole that is you.

Last card is The Star, Major Arcana 17. At last we have some serious female energy. There is a woman, naked, half submerged in water. She has a star on her forehead which is connected to the stars above. She is at peace, connected to all the stars in the heavens. She pours water out of her pitchers, confident they will be refilled. Stars are guides. Old sailor would chart their position by the stars. The stars told them where they were and where they were going. Sometimes a storm would come up and these sailors lost their guides. The stars did not disappear, they did not change in the least. They were simply obscured for the moment. The storm will inevitably pass and our friends on the ship will once again have their guides back.
This card reinforces the message of The Hanging Man. You are on the right track. Don’t fret over things you don’t have and really don’t want. Live your life on your terms. If a storm of some sort is going on right now, don’t worry, clarity will return. Perhaps there is even a very earthy woman who gives herself freely in your not so distant future. All things in due time.

I hope this is more useful than tired platitudes. Celebrate the accomplishments of your friends, don’t envy. Your time is coming.

Hi Sanford_P
Many thanks for my reading today, i really appreitiate it alot.

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