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January Supermoons: Full Wolf Moon & Blue Moon

January 2018 is a very special month:

The month’s first full Moon, the Full Wolf Moon, rises on January 1.

A second full Moon (a Blue Moon) rises on the 31st, and brings the year’s only eclipse for North America just before dawn. Its total phase can be seen from west of the Mississippi and in western Canada.

Both of January’s full Moons are Supermoons!

In Native Americanl times, the Full Moon for January was called the Full Wolf Moon. It appeared when wolves howled in hunger outside the villages.



That is awesome good to know

Thanks for sharing Owl

The one on the 1st was beautiful, strong healing /charging energies

Nice to understand the meanings behind the names, ie Wolf/Strawberry

I always salute the full moon so this is good to know thanks owls 🙂

There is much I don't know about Native American history, but I have always been fascinated with their culture. When I was younger, my aunt used to take us to the local pow wow that a tribe or councle in the area out on. Never knew that they had names for the full moons.... Is it just for the one in January or are there names for the others?


Tribal / Intertribal Pow-wows have such empowering energies, with various ceremonies, smudging, healing, storytelling, chanting, dancing, drumming, etc.

Great for exploring in-depth one's Native American heritage.

Native American tribes used and named Full Moons for seasonal events, such as the length of summer or harvest and hunting times.

In reality, most Native American tribes have their own set of full Moon names, and those names reflect each tribe’s customs and regional climate and ecology. Nevertheless, some common themes are easy to spot: winter weather, crop availability, and fishing and hunting cues find expression in Moon names. In native cultures, those names were accompanied by legends and oral traditions that transmitted knowledge and cultural customs.

No Full Moon in February 2018

This last happened in 1999 and occurs about 4 times a century. February is the only month that this is possible because the lunar cycle is longer than the number of days in February. When this does occur January and March usually have 2 Full Moon as it does this year.

March 2018 is a special month, not only because it’s when the Spring Equinox occurs, but also because it will host two full Moons —one on the 1st and another on the 31st! The second full Moon is called a Blue Moon.

March’s Full Moon is traditionally called the Full Worm Moon the ground begins to soften enough for earthworm casts to reappear, inviting the return of robins and migrating birds.

Roots start to push their way up through the soil, and the Earth experiences a re-birth as it awakens from its winter slumber.

In some regions, this is also known as the Sap Moon, as it marks the time when maple sap begins to flow and the annual tapping of maple trees begins.


I know I could just Google this, but conversation is better than reading lol... how many blue moons are typically seen in a years time?