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Insight please

I feel as if I'm being deceived in my current relationship, I previously got out of a abusive relationship and I have quite possibly fell into another one similar to it. I'm unsure of my path in life, goals. My current job is leading nowhere and it isnt enough to provide for myself and my 2 children. I was born june 14 1985..idk if that helps. I wasnt able to upload a pic for the picture reading but was hoping someone might pick up on something from this post. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

When you get "a feeling" are you usually correct?

At instinct is usually pretty good except concerning my own life at times one could be in denial or only seeing what they want to see.

Cwesley1985 wrote: ↑Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:04 pm
At instinct is usually pretty good except concerning my own life at times one could be in denial or only seeing what they want to see.

Do a natal chart........then look at the 7th house .........any planets there if so what are the planets........where is the ruling 7th sign planet as in what sign what house your 7th sign/house planet is located at.......this will begin to unlock why your relationship is the way it is and how to avoid certain pit falls.
The 7th house deals with relationships (one on one kind).

Free natal generator can be used and you can find them under.......Free natal generator.
Since we are only interested in planets and Sun signs and houses hence the natal wheel to find the answer.

As a Gemini this coming year 2020 is an opportunity for change and growth for you. As a 7 Life path this year also says it is time to get your house in order. Leave behind what no longer serves you and reach towards what helps your growth. Your emotions will be a big part in learning how to truely stand in your power. Knowing who you are and who you will let in to your inner circle. It is time to get your house in order - that means you. Keeping house to me is about your self, you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Being a mum often we put our children first. If you you are giving too much there is not enough for you. If you are not happy they feel it, they know and sense it.

Then along comes a partner to teach you those lessons. Congratulations you have worked it all out, so listen to your intuition and speak your truth.
Something practical you can do is get a piece of paper, rule a line down the middle. On one side write all the reasons you want to be with this person and the other side all the reasons why you should not be with them.
Make a choice, let go and move forward.
Ria 🙂

hmm i could suggest you jump up and down 3 times and wait for a dog to bark 5 times or something but i rather suggest you go on your gut and confront the other person in your relationship, if you were wrong then whatever made you have doubts in the first place needs to be addressed by both of you, if you were right......well goodluck.

Hi there,
im very worried and confused about my studies,I'm feeling stuck and on crossroads.i want to get into med school,but I can't understand whatever things happening to me.will I ever get into that? Please whatever it maybe,help me with your insight, please.
Thank you