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I´m new and I would like some guidance.

Hello everyone, I´m new here.
I´ve been searching for someone to help me for a long time now, I´ll be as precise as I can.
It all started when I was 15, I started seeing colors around people and with their voices and sounds, started seeing shadows and human-like shapes during the day.
It stopped for a while, maybe two or three months.
Some days I would have this kind of "flashes" (as I like to call them), and just knew certain things, if people were lying to me, if something bad had happened, or what would happen next, not as a dejá vú, because I would happen to "know it" days before it would happen.
For a while it didn´t bother me, I thought I was just good at reading body language, but in the last few months I´ve been having more intense, vivid and stronger flashes, they are not bad, they are actually really good news, at teh same time, this little creatures stated appearing in my bedroom at night, they are curious about me, I guess... They touch my hair, my hands or even would sing to me as I fall asleep.
It´s been almost two weeks since I stopped having this flashes and I don´t know if I´m going crazy.
My question is...
Is it bad? Is it something paranormal?
If it´s an ability can I train it or develop it?
Thank you for reading me...


What you set your intention on will come to you. If you are curious you will also receive what is curious - hence your little creatures visiting.
We all have abilities, as you ask this question you already know the answer - yes you have abilities, being sensitive to energy around you and the ability to see it makes you an energy worker - if you really want a label. You can choose whatever fits.
Start with a clean and clear intention to find a mentor.
Clear your room/space/home of the energy that has come.
Allow only those that come for your higher good.
How? Sit in meditation - there you will find all your answers.
A request is a prayer, meditation is listening to the answers of your request.
All the very best along your journey.
Ria 🙂

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