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I used to play

My friends and I used to play. We'd always follow the instructions to avoid a horror story. I've never had a bad experience and would be willing to play again. One night I had stopped playing and the board repeatedly spelled my name. It said it was my aunt. I asked what her telephone number was because it was the 1st thing I could think of that only I knew and she gave it to me. I was so shocked and overcome with emotion I apologized and went home. Wish I could have the chance again. On a side note, who ever we spoke to before her (I hope someone in comedy) said they were captain howdy. Thanks for reading!

I noticed a few words that was odd.......the use of the word "play" you used.....I get disrespectful, to what you were doing.

Force of habit. I grew up with it being referred to as a game. We got it at Target in the toy section.

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