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I am pretty sure I am an orphan?

The people I live with now do not look like my parents, and their names are different. I remember being little, and my mother was really sick in her bed. I tried making her something to eat, but they said she cannot eat anything. I remember leaving the home, and wandering around outside. I remember reading a book that said there is no new daddy, etc. I remember having a little brother, and him having a bomb at his school. I feel so sad and sort of cold. I cannot explain it 🙁

I have a few strange memories. I remember going to school..and after school my grandfather was supposed to come to take me home...but he never showed up. I waited and waited but no one came. I also remember being alone or something and getting into this car which i think might have been an abadoned car because there a cat inside...and then someone came and got me out of the car.

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