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How Do I Know Of Spiritual Attachment?

Hello all,
So I've never experienced anything paranormal or supernatural but I'm very open-minded and try to be rational. I ask this question because I have struggled with severe anxiety and other mental complications since puberty up til young adult life now. I have no idea why or how I have such issues but they persist and I'm always wondering why. Sometimes the thought comes into my head that maybe some of my issues could be from unseen forces? I only messed with a ouija board once a few years ago at Columbine high school and the board spelled "e-u-g" but my problems have existed long before then. I've been thinking lately that it might help to see a spiritualist or medium for some insight too.

Were I you, I'd seek an energy worker, reiki healer first, get cleansed and balanced and see if that is enough.

Mental health can be attributed to a variety of things, be its childhood trauma or a genetic link, I have noticed it develops more in your teen years. As for it being affected by unseen forces I can see why you would think that, I mean I myself have had the same issues in the past, had a demon girl I could see but was it just me who had her in my head? It took a while to realise what was reality compared to my own mind.

I wouldnt therefore say a unseen force can affect you physically but the unknown can fuel fear which causes an anxiety response etc etc, which may therefore attribute to symptoms and add to your current state of mind.

I hope this helps in anyway.

I would just take it step at a time and see it as normal. all minds need discipline I would start with that. believer or not all minds need discipline .

it is most important to first exercise sound logic and discipline . . . lest one bees a fool lolol says us 🙂



Ok You all. I've been asked to write something on demons and about not messing with the dark. So this is the post. I've though about it long and thorough and feel this strongly needs to be said. There are many pathways through the light, grey and the dark. But the ONLY path that conquers all fears and phobias of the dark is the LIGHT. Therefore, it is advisable NOT to meddle with what you don't know. If you are in this position where you have been dabbling with things you don't know WITHOUT Grounding and Protection or CLOAKING and SHIELDING, you can guarantee you will end up getting scared, OR HURT. If you are a sensitive soul like many of us are, then if it doesn't sit right with you - TRUST IN YOUR INSTINCTS AND DON'T DO IT. Demons on some level ARE CONSCIOUS ENTITIES THAT are man-made fear and emotional energies. There is NO such thing as demons except perhaps your own personal battles that you cope with on a regular day to day basis. If you do believe in demons then OK. I will argue the fact that In Spirit? We are firm believers that love and light and Spirit = the communicative spiritual beings ONLY come forward in the name of Love & LIGHT. Because they are bonded to you through the basis of your love. Demons ? are man made entities that are stemmed from a self-fulfilling prophecy of that persons' fear. They are not good entities. But While we can't turn a blind eye to the fact that is more personal energies out their in the world that are more dangerous than the deadlier ones that convey across negativity, the world of the living is more to be afraid of than the dead.

If however you have been meddling with things you don't know or are inexperienced with, a few things to mention are - Setting your boundaries higher to only work with the Spirit & the Higher Beings of Light for all good purposes alone with good intentions pronto. Setting your intention so as to attract ONLY The positive energies around you, those that will do ya good, not harm you. Grounding and protection and also shielding for your peace of mind and invocation of affirmation done in healing thoughts for well-being and light. Also, personal vacuuming your energies free from further negative energy helps, you can do this with AA Michael and AA Raphael to concentrate on cord cutting and healing love encouraging any people who are psychically 'attacking' your energy to step back and unwanted energy or entities vice versa.