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Hi, im curious and i bet you are to!

well, not much to say. I'm 23, southern (yeah, i know.....), drop dead gorgeous, annnnd not particularly gifted. OH! also i am a born again Christian. soooooo why am i here? BRIMSTONE! just kidding. like my name says i am curious. i always have been ie since i was 5 ive felt reality as we know it isn't the whole picture and based on my own experiences with others, i ended up here. i know that for most purposes i am an outsider but i really hope i can become someone that you not only consider a member but a friend as well. ^_^

to ABT acuriousmindandsoul.

Nice meeting you in Chat.


Hi AcuriousmindandSoul

Lovely to have you join us all

Was nice seeing you in chat, looking forward to talking more with you.

Sam j

Hi ACMAS, you say your not particularly gifted, i beg to differ, just having a kind caring soul that radiates out is gifted 🙂

Nice to meet you 🙂
