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Hello everyone. The name's Mark. I'm a 35 y/o INFJ empath (newbie still) whom recently went through what I believed to be a Twin Flame connection with someone overseas that turned into full-on spiritual and psychic harassment for months now. It started with a mild emotional connection that we both can contact with one another via heart chakra. I am the chaser, she is the runner. I am convinced she or 'they' dispatched help to keep me away in fear and she was more spiritually awakened than I. Before the attacks happened, she blocked me on all online outlets.

Do false twin flames exist? And I feel as if they have a team against me. I don't mean to sound crazy and insane here, but I'm rather desperate now. I've used so many counter measures, they still seem to pick on my emotions, influences, insecurities and well-being. Not sure what happened because I got over all my insecurities. I'm convinced it's a team of psychics and energy vampires after me as I give off immense energy always since I always grew up being a manual labor worse horse. I lost my job and my personality has taken a complete 180 than it normally is. I'm usually the positive, hard-working helper. I've now turned into a isolated hermit whom feels like their anxiety from when they were 14 has resurfaced.

Is it possible that I tapped into my Twin Flame's disorders and am I fighting them off? Sorry to go off-topic so much in an introduction but I fear I'll forget to come back here again as I'm already feeling the pull of stopping this from an outside source. I am in dire need of help! And not the medical kind, I am very much sane and well aware of what is and isn't me.

I've already tried so many different crystals for protection and have now resorted to playing Black Tourmaline and other frequency videos on youtube that give some relief from the constant 24/7 telepathic and spiritual attacks that even invade my dreams. My throat chakra is so invaded that I have to fight to even speak...

Any help and/or prayers would be greatly appreciated! My email address is [email protected]