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Hello lovlies xx

Hello everyone

I have just joined the site today. So i thought introducing myself would be a good start.
I have been aware of spirit from a young age.(I believe this has been passed down from my grandmother and also my mother).My earliest memory I think I was around 5 years old, I would be visited everynight by a lady that had lived in our house. Obviously at that age I hadn't realised she was with spirit and didn't for many years.
I then stopped seeing spirit when I started high school But could always feel them around me and continued to be very intuitive. After years of not being able to see spirit I had started to have experiences again at around 16 and have been trying to develop ever since.
I have given practice readings for friends and family on a number of occasions with much success and have even surprised myself sometimes!, although i would not like to call myself a reader/psychic/medium as such as I don't feel I have reached my full potential I'm here to learn and develop my psychic abilities and learn from others!!
Happy days guys!!

Love and Light xx

hello !! nice to have you here have you been in chat ? this seems to be our busiest place lately. Have a chat with like minded souls. I have shared your journey with spirit. I am in my 50's and have been reading for 30 years. So i can relate with your experiences when you were a child very much!

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