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Hello everyone

its been quite a while since i was last on, and since i last posted. I just kinda wanted to give a update intro to myself as things have changed lately for me.

My name is Rick and I have been through a lot in life. Recently I went through certifications in different fields of work in life, and am proud to say that I'm a Angelic Healer. An Angelic Healer (for those who may not know what one is/what one does) is one who calls upon the 4 Archangels to send angels to help with healing on someone during a healing session. (Or also can be performed on yourself, but you have to be careful, if not done correctly, you can cause damage rather than heal) I also consider myself a Earth Angel. Basically Earth Angels are spiritual beings born into physical form. They are born into the physical world at this point in time in which multiple timelines are merging. this is something i have been aware of for about 9 years, and there have been several signs before that time, however, I dont remember much of my life before i turned 18. If you'd like to learn more, I'd be glad to answer any and all questions you have.

Blessings to you, brothers and sisters of light, and may your days be blessed. ~Rick

How lovely to have you with us Rick. I hope today finds you well and happy. A lot of our member go to the chat rooms to chat or just browse the forums too.
If there is anything you need just give us a shout.
Helen global moderator. x

Lovely to see you here and posting. Hope you enjoy your stay here 🙂 Some of us are in chat at the moment if you'd like to join us.