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Hallows Eve

Good Evening all

Every Halloween ever since I was a child my lovely Nan, god rest her soul Would leave a bowl of water and a plate with bread on outside her front door . She said it was her offerings for the dead souls who get to walk the earth again only on hallows eve .For years myself brother an sister would always sleep with the lights on Halloween nite always thinking what my Nan said and we’re were going to see random people walking the streets also checking to see if any of the water and bread had been eaten the next day my Nan was a strong catholic woman .. religion was everything’s it was her way of life .. I don’t know of anybody really apart from my family members who do anything like that In regards to offerings etc on hallows eve. Would love to hear other people’s thoughts an feelings on this subject an if any body out there still does this or similar rituals on Halloween

Day of the celebrating many go to their families graves and put food drink and have a picnic with their loved ones. They have music, dance to celebrate that loves life and to remember the happiness they share and shared.
Love ones wouldn't want for their loved ones to be sad and not enjoy life......I know I wouldn't want that for my loved ones not to be happy and would want them to remember the fun and laughter.