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Guardian? Guide? Who is This Guy?

I've vaguely mentioned this before in other discussions, but I don't think I've posted about this entity specifically. I also don't know how to categorize him, so I didn't think tacking this onto an existing thread was quite appropriate. This is half "here's a thing to share" and half "advice, please."

I've come into contact with a powerful feeling entity. 99.99% sure it's a good, protective being, but very different from the ones I'm used to.

This entity, until recently, only showed up maybe 3 times in my life (30 years). Always when I was very scared of some noncorporeal entity. Twice in the past 2 years or so. Once when I was very little.

This being has a masculine energy and doesn't communicate in words or by responding to things like "If you're here could you make a noise in this room?" But I do get a feeling of a response to questions, if that makes sense.

His energy is very overwhelming and bright, impossible to miss. Very respectful of my space and household. I mostly get the feeling he keeps watch and shows up when I feel I need protection.

The reason I mention him now is he's around all the time, whereas he only swooped in on the rare occasion before. I have been meditating a lot and doing a lot of shielding, healing, and protection things, so if that's his department that could be why.

No idea how to communicate with or learn about this entity. I've tried meditation but it's like he's just beyond my reach every time. He seems like he would communicate if he could, but isn't in a hurry to.

Who or what is this dude? How do I figure out what his deal is?


After reading your post I have a few possible ideas to throw in to the mix. My initial thoughts is that it could be a new guide, as you will know some guides or spirit helpers can be very particular as to how you work with them.

My second thought is that guides, helpers and teaching guides will make you wait until 1) they believe you are ready for the new things they want to bring forward for you 2) some guides will effectively punish you, in that if you have started freestyling in your development, they can halt things and keep you wondering until you continue on the path they were helping you achieve.

You will have probably already tried this, but sometimes the simplest ways are the best. I always when open to spirit will thank them for being there, even if you do not know why they are. Show them respect, ask questions different ways if needs be e.g. one day Can you tell me what you are here to do ? 2nd day Are you here to teach me or work with me ? Write a list and each day go down it.

I do not know what your abilities are in this area, so forgive me for that, but since this energy has been more apparent on a regular basis, have you noticed any changes with in eithe a) yourself generally or in you spiritual journey e.g. have you suddenly developed any new abilities. Not always, but on many occasions if they are there to work with you they will wait for you to find the reason yourself, as that eureka moment when everything pieces together is somewhat special.

Forgive me tiredness is setting in, but just had something from my spirit guides as I was typing this, the words Meridian Lines. Also mention of a journey, somewhat confused feeling came over me (I'm an empath) then a resounding "The journey of self begins now...".

I need to grab some sleep, but feel free to inform me of your progress.

Blessed be


Hi Akata! Thank you for taking the time to reply.
My second thought is that guides, helpers and teaching guides will make you wait until 1) they believe you are ready for the new things they want to bring forward for you 2) some guides will effectively punish you, in that if you have started freestyling in your development, they can halt things and keep you wondering until you continue on the path they were helping you achieve.

I don't know if I've been "freestyling." All I've been doing is meditating before bed. Just things like calming the body for sleep, a few chakra cleanses. I've also been trying to think more positively and to envision things I want in my life rather than focusing on what I don't have and dwelling on that.

This presence does get very prickly when I do certain things, mainly if I start to think negatively or if I read about negative entities such as demons. I get a protective vibe from that, not an angry vibe when I say "prickly."
You will have probably already tried this, but sometimes the simplest ways are the best. I always when open to spirit will thank them for being there, even if you do not know why they are. Show them respect, ask questions different ways if needs be e.g. one day Can you tell me what you are here to do ? 2nd day Are you here to teach me or work with me ? Write a list and each day go down it.

I have tried. I get shades of answers, if that makes sense. I have to ask in a yes/no fashion and I'll get a feeling of yes or no. Like if it's a yes I'll feel the energy draw forward and if it's a now I'll feel it draw backward. That seems to be the way we currently communicate. But I feel like I'm not able to perceive the presence properly and he's just waiting patiently, in no hurry.
I do not know what your abilities are in this area, so forgive me for that, but since this energy has been more apparent on a regular basis, have you noticed any changes with in eithe a) yourself generally or in you spiritual journey e.g. have you suddenly developed any new abilities. Not always, but on many occasions if they are there to work with you they will wait for you to find the reason yourself, as that eureka moment when everything pieces together is somewhat special.

My abilities are empathy, clauraudiance, Tarot reading, and perhaps a dash of mediumship. I can sense presences, sometimes see and hear them (have confirmed this happens externally, not in my head). I've been trying to stay energized and not get so worn out, so I've been trying to do white light protection and healing energy, things like that. I'm not very good at it, so it's taking some work. I often ask for aid with these particular things, and this presence normally shows up when I do.

I actually did recently have a very big shift in my way of thinking. I don't know if it's The eureka moment you're talking about, but it was definitely "a" eureka moment on a personal level and it shifted my perspective in a major way.
Forgive me tiredness is setting in, but just had something from my spirit guides as I was typing this, the words Meridian Lines. Also mention of a journey, somewhat confused feeling came over me (I'm an empath) then a resounding "The journey of self begins now...".

"Meridian Lines" doesn't resound for me. No idea what that means. "The journey of self" could be accurate. I don't know.

New development. Ringing in the ears now comes along with this presence and a warm tingle at the top of my head. I have been praying for guidance and strength pretty heavily all week.


Could you define "freestyling". My take on entities that insist you act a certain way or do something in a certain manner are no different than cult leaders (or if you must, church leaders, or any kind of group leader) who forces their will on you. It does not sound like this is the case for ColeWayne. Maybe what you mean by "freestyling" is not what it seems like to me.


I found your read interesting not everything has wings and is human I used to be visited every sixteen to nineteen by an entity of such enormous power the last visit scared the heck out of me I was cowering on the side of the bed it must have known this has it started to fade as it started to fade it conveyed to me it could see in many places at once but it's long overdue. I often wonder if it was my higher self suppose I'll find out when it's time to leave this realm nice one xxx

Interesting theory about your higher self! This one helps me do positive and protective work (cleansing, shielding, positive thinking, healing to a degree). I have another entity who swoops in to offer healing and strength if I have a panic attack or am sick. Only if I ask for help.