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Georgina "gina" Mary Pearce

Can anyone help? My mother passed 14th Dec 2020. Thanks

Hi, when I meditate I’m able to see images and sometimes hear stuff. It’s like charades and you need to interpret it. I can’t really help much with that. Sometimes my mind wonders off and not related images happen. It started off really clearly with ur mom sitting on a couch, and a maybe teenage girl, young girl, was laying on her stomach kicking her feet down onto the couch. It actually was alarmingly clear. Then I saw a boys bicycle and the chain kept falling off. There was a semi truck backing up what looked like a semi gravel trailer. Seemed to be having trouble steering it in reverse. Then I heard a song being played as clear as day, but I couldn’t see anything. The song was “Ur momma don’t dance and ur daddy don’t rock & roll”. It played on for quite a while, then stopped. Then I saw a weathered wooden fence. We started off on one side of the fence where the grass was green and well kept, with some shrubs. Then we floated over the fence where it was forested, with lots of over growth, and wild yellow small flowers. There were trails, some dead trees, pastures, but was very scenic, even though it was wild unkept land. Then we went back to the fence, where to my surprise the fence was torn down. The fence was crumbling down and disappearing before my eyes. Then the well kept yard also turned to wild forest. There were sun flower plants and yellow tulips growing in the open areas, and was beautifully forested. Then it ended. I asked her to continue on, but ur mom seemed she had finished, but showed what looked like a. bowl of Quaker Oats being served, then the bowl being dumped out. The entire events sequence seemed well thought out, and was very pleasant and peaceful. I’m not sure if the semi truck was a rogue image or not, cause it didn’t seem to fit in, but I mentioned it anyway, cause you never know. My condolences, and take care, Leo

Oh one other thing, there was also a very dense coniferous forested area, very scenic

Lol that's interesting, thankyou. A really different interpretation! Thanks so much xxxx

JLEL wrote: ↑Thu Jan 14, 2021 6:05 am
Lol that's interesting, thankyou. A really different interpretation! Thanks so much xxxx

Hi, ur welcome! I’m unable to interpret this. I was hoping you might make some sense out if it.
Take care, Leo

Thanks I've been mulling it over and it just sounds like she's at peace... Which brings comfort to me! Thanks again I really appreciate your time so much x

With the fence I thought perhaps it was the old metaphor that grass is greener on the other side of the fence, but ur mom realized later this wasn’t true, because the fence was torn down. Just a guess though. It actually was a very scenic and peaceful meditation, so she’s definitely in a beautiful place. I think the semi truck was from within me, a rogue image, and I need to somehow recognize this on future readings. TC

It makes perfect sense to me now. Actually this is weird lol. When I first read what you said, it was so strange I was like what?! But now I've thought about it, and her, it makes perfect sense... I think the truck is a metaphor for going back in the past, it doesn't want to go back anymore. How do you have this gift? It's quite amazing lol

Also for me my take on the emptying the bowl of oats, is like saying its done now.... Its over. X

I understand how unbelievably difficult things are when a loved on passes, and I can’t imagine how difficult it is when ur relationship wasn’t on good grounds when it happened .
My teenage beautiful daughter died in 2013, and it’s been incredibly hard on us. Somebody said we should go see a medium. I was very sceptical about it, and I didn’t want to go, especially as a Catholic and Christian. But I went to support my wife. I just hoped my mom wouldn’t find out. I was totally floored, because she gave us all these confirmations about our daughter, very detailed and personal. There’s no way she could have known. She’s one of the most famous mediums in Canada. I went home a believer that people could communicate with people who have passed. The 2nd time I went, I put 5 specific questions on my bed for the medium to answer. When we went to see her, she answered them in order, and in detail. It’s the first thing she did. I was also seeing a counselor, and he was Buddhist. He said, I’m not suppose to discuss this with my clients, but if you truly can’t live without your daughter, then meditate, and you’ll be guided by Heaven from there. So I studied up on meditation. I came home at lunch break everyday and meditated, in the evenings, and every night at 3 Am. And slowly after after about 3 months, I went from seeing little specs of flashes of light to remote viewing in what appears to be a parallel universe in the Realm of the Angels. Interestingly, everybody appears to be there, alive or passed, even me. I often wondered why people meditated so much, and why they often depicted meditation about being in these incredible places, and it’s because you truly are.I also ventured into dreaming, astral projection and lucid dreaming, which seems to naturally happen when you meditate lots, and that’s where the spiritual journey gets real interesting, and it can be both incredible and horrifying, and you need a lot of faith in God to get through it. Meditation is mostly a peaceful experience, and good for all. I’m on a spiritual journey, and I have a long ways to go, but no matter what happens I’m not to give up, cause I know my daughter is in Heaven, and I want to be with her.

That's really beautiful, I'm also so sorry for your big loss. That's truly heartbreaking. I'm so glad you found a way of connecting with her again. You must have a gift also, I don't believe everyone has this gift. Infact they don't lol. I know my mum was spiritual, she spoke about it before, and I know I have something to even though I have run from it before it scares me sometimes, but in this instance I felt her call for me to seek out someone to help. Luckily the year she fell ill I contacted her and told her I loved her lots of times and saw her the day she passed. But death is so final and has a funny was of making you regret and feel guilt. I think because it's so final. I really hope you get to see your daughter again one day, you sound like a really wonderful father in life and in death, we lost my neice when she was 11, it was awful, and I can't imagine losing my daughter or son. I truly am sorry for your loss, xx

Hi, Thank you!
I’m glad you got to be with ur mom the day she passed, it must mean a lot to both you and her I’m sorry to hear about your niece, that’s a horrible situation to be in, as I know. Feel free to contact me again once your mom and you settle in a bit, I know how fresh this is, and how sad, take care

Thankyou, you have brought me comfort and peace today, which I haven't had in ages. Thank you

I'm so sorry to bother you again but this is so weird. We lived on a road called forest way! As a child, I lived there with her and my dad and brother. My brother has really bad mental health problems, and the chain on the bicycle falling off really rings true!... The forest over and over again being spoken about, and the grass being greener but not so.... She left us and that house when I was about 12/13.she thought the grass was greener. I'm speechless. At first it all made no sense and now it slots in. Sorry again to pester you I had to tell you!

Wow, that really ties things together and makes sense now. She actually showed me the chain falling off the boys bike twice, and on the second time she zoomed right in on the chain falling off the sprocket. I figured that must have meant something. And Forest was a heavy theme for sure. I bet ur moms is very happy you figured this charade out!

Hi Leonardo are you still on this page? Thanks

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