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Funny out-of-body experience maybe ?

Hello My nick is snookum new here and this is officially my first post here on ABT

There are so many stories out there about out-of-body experience but, none are funny. Every story I have read has been so serious. well I have a funny out of body experience that I would like to share with you.

Since my early teens i would buzz right out of my body almost every time i slept. At first it was scary and not being able to move sometimes left me sitting up in bed in tears.

Long story short, over the years I have gotten so use to it all , it does not happen as often and I try more and more to control my experiences with success. I still have a hard time not being able to move for those brief few seconds after zapping back into my body but all in all its .. a little better for me .

so the last time i had a OBE i was traveling in the sky, and there was a guy walking and he noticed me, and i noticed him noticing me. I attempted to get closer to him which was a little hard because there is this pulling right through the middle of your "body" and you go where it wants you to.

i finally was able to get closer to the guy and i started to zoom right in on him, i was swirling around and it kinda spooked him, nothing lasted too long because that pull snatched me right away.

I thought it was the funnest thing ever and i chuckled so hard, even while it was taking place and that is my little funny OBE story. I hope you all who read it enjoy it.

Qhi msMTacZR wec