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Feeling weird around people my age? I have no friends.

Does anyone else get this? I don't know why. I feel like I do not belong/or like this world does not want me. I started being sexually active very young, while my parents were still alive and I did some wrong things. Now I am alone with no friends.

Advice only,

5. Empaths need alone time

As super-responders, empaths find being around people can be draining, so they periodically need time alone to recharge. Even a brief escape prevents emotional overload. For example, empaths like to take their own cars when they go places so they can leave when they please. Drop the guilt of being sexually active at a young age. It has no bearing on the issues you are experiencing today. Being an Empath is only one facet of the abilities you may possess. See a counsellor and rule out any "issues" you may be unconsciously dealing with. Find a reputable medium to confirm you have abilities and then develop them. You will find peace then.

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