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emergency reading request

Does anyone see any traveling for me the coming days or weeks and if yes will it be outside the country for short or long time?

Hi Romy

My first impression is --No... I don't feel there will be any travel outside the country in the coming days/weeks
Maybe within the country -- not outside. But what you had in mind, I don't feel it'll go ahead within weeks. Months perhaps

Hope this helps you out
Take care

Thanks Sammieee x x x!!

I pulled cards for this reading, to the question "is there any travelling for me in the coming weeks?".

A fair few cards were drawn before I got an answer (THE CHARIOT) that I'd associate with a journey. Early in the spread, I got a feel that there had been an issue of some manipulation (perhaps towards you) that felt unfair (justice reversed) and that a man was not quite telling the whole truth about a situation. Things perhaps feel slow (eight of wands reversed) - or slower to progress than they should be, yet you are able to keep on working, and trying to pick up the pieces of yourself regardless of the challenge - there is this drive to keep going ahead.

I feel perhaps the man not telling the whole truth may have been a friend, rather than a partner - I get the three of cups reversed which to me symbolizes false friends, or a somehow unsatisfying feeling of togetherness when one is together with other people/another person. The card may have different associations for you. The Emporer reversed also suggests a man who abuses power - perhaps a power imbalance, or someone in a position of trust who is not acting with the integrity their status requires. Again, perhaps this pertains to the earlier cards. That sense of manipulation I was talking about.

I feel your intuition is there, but you're not quite able to listen to it, being so frozen in a choice between two things that seem equally valuable, because you are blind to the reality of the situation (two of swords). Perhaps a disharmony at home - or a feeling of distance in a place or relationship where you might hope to find harmony. Is that why you wish to travel?

The Empress reversed to me suggests a motherly instinct that has been warped - like an overly giving nature that might make you a bit miserable. NIne of swords is the worry card - have you been feeling a lot of worries and stress lately? At the end of all this is the Chariot, the card of journeys - but even this is reversed, which suggests to me the journey you hope for may not be sooner, but rather later. I pulled another card to ask how many weeks - it was 8. Strength - so to me, that symbolizes, perhaps either eight weeks, or 8 months. I think weeks though.

So far as the journey, when I looked at your picture yesterday, I saw stone walls - like an old ruin of a church or castle. It felt spiritually significant and comforting. My best guess is it was in Europe somewhere, as the architecture looked familiar.

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts 🙂 I'm not as confident a reader as some others but I hope this helped a little 🙂