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Do you, personally, have spirit guides? How did you meet them?

To the Mods: This post is not about dreams but mentions dreams. Please don't move this post to the dreams board.

Hi all,

I'd like to converse about spirit guides.

Since the time that I was little I've had dreams of a spiritual nature. These dreams would either be clairvoyant in nature or have some type of spiritual significance, such has meeting 'spiritual' beings. These dreams always feel a certain way that is different and distinguishable from normal dreams. In most of these dreams I've been accompanied by a male and female. They don't always look the same and they're not always the same age. But, they always present themselves as 1 male and 1 female. they always know each other, they always know me, I always know them, and they always accompany me somewhere, help me to achieve a task, or offer support.

When I learned about spirit guides I labeled them as such as they fit the description. Only recently have I started to work toward and achieve the ability to contact and interact with them at will while dreaming. Because of my work the one that presents as male has told me his name. I may or may not know the one that presents as female as I called her name in a dream but I don't think she told me herself as the 'male' did. I think I have a third guide, that I only met once years ago, and possibly know her name as well. I've also been shown a vision in my dreams by the 'male' when I sought him out for help. Before that they only came to me at random when I had one of my spiritual dreams.

I've stopped referring to them as my 'guides' since they've never outright told me they were 'spirit guides'. Instead, I refer to them as 'my friends' or 'my people' as that's all I know to call them. Once I make contact with the 2 'females' and they tell me their names as the 'male' did, then I'll probably ask them who they are, what they are, what to call them, ect...

I'd love to discuss this topic with you all. What are your stories? Do you have guides? How did you meet them or realize they were there? Can you communicate with them at will, and if so, in what ways? If they have names do you know them? What are these beings? Are they human spirits, angels, demons, gods, ect...? Are they 'real' or just parts of ourselves communicating and interacting with us?

Any and all experiences, thoughts, feelings, opinions, knowledge, ect... are welcome.


I first met my guide who took the form of a dog in a dream. At the time, I was under a lot of emotional stress and undergoing a battle with a ... I hesitate to call it a spirit but at the time I knew it was an entity that was causing bad circumstances for those around me. I had this dream several times, the dog was always at my right and would alert me to where the entity was by growling in a specific direction. I don't believe this is my guides true form, only what it chose to present to me in a way that was comforting.

Apart from that I have never seen my spirit guide in a another form - to my knowledge at least. However, I am always able to call on him when I ask and can immediately feel a warm presence. I usually only call on him during times I am feeling spiritually drained and vulnerable - fatigue, dizziness, headaches. If he has a name, I do not know it. I have never asked because I feel that the bond between us does not call for names.

While I do not believe they are gods or demons, they seem to have an ancient wisdom about them. Are they 'real' or just parts of ourselves communicating and interacting with us? I think it is a complicated answer. Perhaps it is part of our subconscious - much wiser and all knowing, manifesting into familiar shapes and forms. Or perhaps they're ancestors who have come back to guide us on our spiritual journey. My friend shared with me that her spirit guide is a female "viking ancestor" of hers, who looks over her and protects her from harm.

Whatever the answer may be, I believe they're our allies volunteering to teach and protect us along our journey.


Thank you for your reply, Morrigan.

It's very interesting that your guide presents itself as a dog. I'm curious; do you have an affinity for dogs? I ask because it would make sense if your guide presented in a form that you were familiar with and made you feel safe, happy, comfortable, ect... If your guide presents as a dog but you don't have a particular affinity for dogs than that is very interesting. I have no idea why my guides present in the forms they do. i wonder if they present as they choose or in a way that would make us comfortable. I wonder if anyone's guides present in a way that is frightening or confusing to them. I know in the bible that when angels appeared to people they were often frightening to look upon.

Thank you again for sharing.


Hi M.Stone,

At the time I did not have an affinity for dogs, I've always been more of a cat person. About a year ago I did adopt a dog I found outside of the office where I worked. They share no resemblance, however. I have never heard of anyone having or discovering a spirit guide in the form that frightens them, I think it would defeat their purpose if we were afraid. Negative spirits can often pretend and deceive us only to feed on our fear. As for Angel encounters in the Bible, I think any person who has never experienced visions or benevolent encounters would be frightened. You're just minding your own business and suddenly there's a bright light and a strange being you've never seen before in front of you! It could be a bit eerie.

I am a 71 year old UK resident and have been involved with spirit and their work all my life.
Your post is for me, quite interesting, whilst not having the time at the moment to go into great detail
the fact you "accept your friends" is the first step to understanding their intention and comfort they bring.
Knowing names is of no significance just accepting them around is more important both to them and yourself.
I notice you say they only seem to appear in dream state,could this perhaps be the case that you are not spiritually attuned to the required energy needed to mentaly make contact?
It took me month after month after month before i became aware of who this strange person was that
would constantly appear to me whilst i was in dream state..after which began my long jouney into the world of spirit,guides,and helpers.
If i can be of help to you please ask.
Kind regards.

keithdeakin wrote: ↑Mon Nov 06, 2017 5:03 pm
I notice you say they only seem to appear in dream state,could this perhaps be the case that you are not spiritually attuned to the required energy needed to mentaly make contact?

Hi. Thanks for your reply.

I have no idea if I'm spiritually attuned to make mental contact. From my past experiences I've figured out that when I'm asleep my consciousness has the ability or freedom to traverse or peer through space, time, and possibly different realms of existence. As I stated, it's in my dreams that I've communicated and interacted with 'my guides' as well as experiences clairvoyance. Until recently I never actively tried to use the ability as I will, instead just noting when it naturally occurred. Learning to lucid dream at will and using that state to 'test' those abilities has yielded promising results. I'm nowhere close to mastering lucid dreaming, but I think once I'm practiced enough that I'll be able to learn enough from 'my guides' and others to expand my consciousness. I've thought that if I could focus, train my mind, and experiment that I might be able to use my abilities while in a waking state but I wouldn't even know where to begin at this point.

Thanks for your interest and reply. I'm looking forward to your future responses.


Hi..One of the first things i became aware of was each and every morning i would awake with the same
image of a male figure in my mind, for what reason this complete stranger had for being there i had no idea. Over many weeks he would still be there until one morning i awoke with the picture of a plain brown coloured book in my mind! One thing lead to another and i found myself wondering around my local library looking along each shelf of books until..a plain brown colour book lying "flat" instread of upright caught my eye, looking through it i found a picture and description of this very same figure i had been seeing each moring as i awoke.With this in mind i went to my local spiritualist church looking for answers, which over time i learned to understand what was happening...Hence my journey into spiritualism began and i was luck enough to be helped along the way by my friend in spirit.....To learn and understand what is involved you need the following..TRUSTand PATIENCE.
If i can be of help just ask.
Kind regards.


I first met my spirit guide in a dream. How I knew it was my guide is that I went up to him and gave him a hug and said it's lively to see you again. He was a African tribesmen wore a white hooded long jacket and wore a neclace with a huge turquoise stone on. As for his name I'm not quite 100% sure but I call him Sam.

I've only ever met him that once but I will be asking him to show itself again once I start reading. His message to me in the dream was to return to may ancient origins. In the dream I saw Mayan temples and pyramids along with a row boat ride across a endless ocean I remember the water was so clear I saw a white whale that guided us the right way. The dream was powerful so I changed my perspective on life.