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Delayed Intro

I re-joined last October. Was busy for a long time. Working long hours. I had to leave one of my 2 jobs for sound reasons.

Had a few interviews, with no success. A long process as one interview was delayed 3 weeks and then did not hear result for another week. Had one last Monday and could not believe the feedback that came with the rejection. I have ADD, and I just did not understand some of the questions, thought I was answering correctly, although according to the manager, I was missing some info in my replies. I was very nervous that day, and being honest - did not really want that job, so was likely not as focused as I could have been, and failed to ask what they meant in questions, so was answering what I thought they wanted. I had another interview on 19th July and the panel predicted results the tail end of the following week. That came and went, and still heard nothing. It will be nearly 2 weeks post-interview by the time I hear, I suspect. The longer it drags on, the less likely I am to be successful, perhaps, given that some people were unable to attend, and interviews were re-scheduled for later dates. I suspect they have better potential candidates who they have not interviewed yet?

I have done agency work for nearly 4 years. I had 12 hours per week of that, until they took it away last week, gave it to someone who was on a guaranteed hours contract. I am on zero hours. So now I have no work, no income, because I am still officially employed and left my other job, I cannot get benefits. So I have a disconnected phone, and time on my hands...

Along with the ADD i have... Strong intuitive ability, clairsentience, can sense/feel and sometimes hear spirit presences, and have seen ghosts/fairies. I have a degree of empathy, so can get overloaded around some people, or drained. Use Tarot, can also do psychometry, and able to 'read' pictures. Did some reiki training. Also trained in hypnotherapy and regression therapy. I did this therapy in space where I live, until it was let to a couple, so I then had nowhere to do the therapy work. I got a venue to do therapy work in and rented that and did therapy work there, until the building was sold, in June. Currently have no venue to do the therapy work in, and no money to hire therapy space so that I can continue to do the work.

What else... I love to write. However, despite having time on my hands, I feel totally unable to write, as I need to feel financially secure to write, historically, and now, at rock bottom, with no income, much of my time is taken up with applying for work I can walk to, as cannot travel due to lack of money, and setting up lots of free adverts on line, in an attempt to sell personal property to get money.

So it looks like I will have some time to check out forums and chat...
