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ded ttechrs aliv techrs

had a dream wear i sw ded tehcrs well s i new wz ded thy wear sid aliv techrs well s i htngs is aliv hy wear in a big room thy wearstil nt sur abot s is aliv is aliv thn i wok u

Hey Jo

Dreaming of Teachers who are passed and teachers who are alive would be symbolic of something contunuing

Which life lessons have you carried through with you ... Life-lessons which you are still learning from today or teaching of younger people, information *you* have and wisdom *you* have to share with others.

It makes me think how someone may pass away (teacher) yet their knowledge has been passed down to (the living teachers)
and so it continues on & will do, complete circle. Teachers == Wisdom
Between Life and Death = contuining

So....wisdom to be shared & passed on

Sam j

thnx sam/.................................................................................................