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Alright, I'm not really sure where this should be posted but I'll try here and hope for the best. My baby girl who just recently turned five woke up couple days ago telling me about a dream she had. She was so excited and happy as she normally is, but this time she was excited because she said there was a real horse in her dream. She said it was cutey cute cute. Lol She said there was an old man with a horse and he let her ride on it while he walked next to her and talked. I was like yea, what did he talk about and she said she didn't remember but she did remember the horses name (and has since renamed all her stuffed ponies and horses), she said the horse was called Silas. At the time I didn't really give it much thought because she sometimes tells me about some pretty vivid dreams, but later i thought about it and was like wow, where would she get such a name...? I was talking about it with my sister in law and she said that she thought she had heard that name before on a movie or something but couldn't remember which. So later I was just kinda being silly and googled the name Silas, and the first thing that popped up was a Wikipedia thing about Silas a Christian man who apparently accompanied Paul the apostle on parts of his missionary journeys. I'm a little clueless to all this. And basically I am writing this post to see what anyone might think that means...? Was she maybe being visited by a guide perhaps? Either way its strange and I just kinda, Idk wanted to hear what others thought. Thanks for taking the time to read and would appreciate any ones opinions or thoughts on it.

It is not always known. But when people sleep and dream they are wandering around with a spiritual body (one they use after death) outside of this physical reality/dimension.

When doing this they usually lack awareness, they hallucinate and do not really see reality. A way to describe it is that they are "sleep walking", unaware, living through their mind.

There are however times when the person might see more of reality, when they are more objective, when their eyes are "more open" so to speak (figuratively speaking). It would not be a strange thing for your daughter to be riding an actual horse, with a friendly spirit (including a guide or other friendly individual) there helping her.

In most cases when people dream, they spend their time in "messy" lower regions, not much interesting there. But it is possible to visit and move through other areas as well, which has a higher/brighter form of energy.

In addition to this, it is also possible to be consciously awake and aware in other dimensions during sleep. If that happened, the person could simply go and do something somewhere, the same way any deceased person could.
