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Cool Pops

Cool Pops, The Breeze, Breeze Machine, just a few of the nicknames my grandfather had. He passed away a week before the Superbowl. He was born and raised in Philadelphia and probably had the biggest smile on his face when the Philadelphia Eagles became Superbowl champions.

My grandfather was always the definition of cool and debonair. I have a lifelong love affair with the sport of boxing that started with his stories of boxing as an amateur in Philly and of the fighters of his day. I will never forget car rides with him as a boy and just sitting there wishing I had just an ounce of his cool and swagger. He will always be missed.

Hi Esteban

thats a great relationship you had with him. i had almost the same with both my grandfathers so i know where your coming from.

it will never be the same just learn to cope in your own way and in your own time.

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