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Cleansing tips.

I have been feeling very lethargic at home for quite some time. I feel full of life at work and when im out and about. As soon as I get home I feel heavy and unwilling to do anything at all.
I have ordered some white sage online and im currently sleeping with positive affirmations/hypnosis.
How can I lift the atmosphere within my home?
There have been some traumatic events here over the past and it isn't just me being affected.
Any helpful advice would be appreciated.

There's many things you can do to lighten up the energy jn your household! πŸ™‚ Ill go in depth, but theres a TL;DR at the bottom.

First thing I'd do is let light in. Many people live with their curtains/blinds permanently drawn. Nothing wrong with that, but living in a cave can really really wear down on you. Scientifically you could pinpoint it on lack of sunlight. Sun also spiritually cleanses. Its very powerful! Even just a sliver of sunlight a day will help. The sun nourishes, provides life, strengthens, list goes on.

The second most important thing I'd do is look for areas that brood negativity. Aka clean clean clean. πŸ™‚ it is Spring afterall. Cleaning removes mold, mildew, dirt, germs, insects, basically all 'negative' things. All negative entities can be gotten rid of easily! How? Make an environment unsuitable for them! Paranormal entities, like bugs and mold, fester in areas where negativity blossoms. One belief is dishes in the sink at night will make you restless and unable to sleep. Either way, subconsciously you 'see' and 'feel' many more things than waking you can. Dirty clothes piled up, dishes , rugs that need shaking, etc. all impact you subconsciously. Even just starting small helps tremendously in mood.

Third is imagination! Silly as it sounds, positive thinking reverberates everything inside and around you. People notice your big smile, confidence rises, and nothing can get passed you. Some people believe that there is ONE thing in this 3rd dimensional universe that 'God'(or whatever deity or not you believe in) provides when asked. That is to keep the dark at bay. Always call on your higher self (Or anything made of light/positivity even an idol or loved one) to beat the odds. If we can cure our own cancers with the power of a placebo, who knows what else our brains are capable of producing!

Scott Cunningham has a couple cool books on household rituals/theories/histories. It's more on the Wiccan side though. Ted Andrews is another good one. I'd recommend "The Magical Household". Super quick and easy easy to read. ... 0875421245

Cleanse with sage, sweep the floor, then invite positive entities to guide/help you. Triple whammy! There's no way with your gigantic positive-affirmation-action willpower, cleaning skills, and sun anything could attach itself to you. πŸ™‚

Anyways, good luck. Sage it up! There's more things to do then what I said, but that's a good start. πŸ™‚

1. Let some sun in
2. Clean your place aka dishes, sweeping, etc.
3. Think positive! Invite in positive entities and beings to protect against the negative. Triple whammy!

Good luck!

While crystals, stones, talismans, salt, etc. will help, some people don't have access/money for those things. The Earth is raped enough for its minerals, so that's why I didn't recommend them, but they'd help tremendously too!