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I want to start off by saying that I'm swedish, so I hope you'll excuse any misspelled words or grammatical errors!

I have never had any psychic abilities myself, but I've always been a strong believer. I have for the last couple of days been getting a whiff of a perfume that a guy I used to date used to wear. I thought it strange, because we haven't spoken in months and obviously theres no actual trace of him left in my life (all my clothes have been washed several times since then, etc). It will happen at random times during the day, when I'm out walking, in the shower, just in my bed, just random times. This was a guy I felt very deeply connected to right away when we met, but it didn't work out and he's now in a relationship.

Today, I was on youtube, and I happened upon a video talking about what your natural psychic abilities could be based on your moon sign. The ability for my moon sign, Taurus, was clairalience, the ability of smell. I got really surprised, as I've been smelling his perfume for the last couple of days, and I just thought "Universe, what do you want?", haha.

But, I was wondering what this could mean? He's obviously very much alive, so it's not a message from beyond, so why am I smelling his perfume?

Welcome Kexxi,
How very fascinating, it seems to me he has called out to you and you have received the call - via your most heightened psychic sense. It is that simple, same as when you may think of a person and then they call you or someone speaks of them.
You had already made a connection so the blueprint via your heartspace is still very much there.
To understand what this means you could sit in meditation and ask him or the universe for a meaning. Sometimes the answers don’t come straight away. Know your senses are fine tuning - as is the case for many others at this time.
Ria 🙂